Intro 16 counts. (Samba Rhythm, No Tags, No Restarts).
Part l [1-8] Side, Behind, Side, Cross, 2x Diamond Fallaway 1/8 L, Walks Fwd L-R.
1-2aStep R to R, step L behind R, step R to R.
3a4Step L across R, Step R to R, Step L back making 1/8 Turn L (10:30).
5a6Step R back, Step L to L squaring up at (9:00), step R forward.
7-8Walk L forward, walk R forward.
Part ll [9-16] 4x Samba Diamond Fallaway 1/8 L.
1a2Step L forward, Step R to R, Step L back making 1/8 Turn L (7:30).
3a4Step R back, Step L to L squaring up at (6:00), step R forward.
5a6Step L forward, Step R to R, Step L back making 1/8 Turn L (4:30).
7a8Step R back, Step L to L squaring up at (3:00), step R forward.
Part lll [17-24] L Samba Rock, R Back Samba Rock, L Samba Rock, ¼ L, Back, Together.
1a2Step L forward, recover back onto R, Step L back.
3a4Step R back, recover back onto L, step R forward.
5a6Step L forward, recover back onto R, Step L back.
7-8Step R back making ¼ turn L, step L next to R.
Part IV [25-32] Walks Forward R-L, Promenade Samba Walk R,
1-2Walk R forward, walk L forward.
3a4Walk Rt fwd, step Lt diagonal back on Ball, recover on Rt.
5-6Step L forward, recover back onto R.
7a8Step L to L making ¼ turn L, step R next to L, step L to L. (9:00)
Start Again and have fun!
Contact: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com.
Part l [1-8] Side, Behind, Side, Cross, 2x Diamond Fallaway 1/8 L, Walks Fwd L-R.
1-2aStep R to R, step L behind R, step R to R.
3a4Step L across R, Step R to R, Step L back making 1/8 Turn L (10:30).
5a6Step R back, Step L to L squaring up at (9:00), step R forward.
7-8Walk L forward, walk R forward.
Part ll [9-16] 4x Samba Diamond Fallaway 1/8 L.
1a2Step L forward, Step R to R, Step L back making 1/8 Turn L (7:30).
3a4Step R back, Step L to L squaring up at (6:00), step R forward.
5a6Step L forward, Step R to R, Step L back making 1/8 Turn L (4:30).
7a8Step R back, Step L to L squaring up at (3:00), step R forward.
Part lll [17-24] L Samba Rock, R Back Samba Rock, L Samba Rock, ¼ L, Back, Together.
1a2Step L forward, recover back onto R, Step L back.
3a4Step R back, recover back onto L, step R forward.
5a6Step L forward, recover back onto R, Step L back.
7-8Step R back making ¼ turn L, step L next to R.
Part IV [25-32] Walks Forward R-L, Promenade Samba Walk R,
1-2Walk R forward, walk L forward.
3a4Walk Rt fwd, step Lt diagonal back on Ball, recover on Rt.
5-6Step L forward, recover back onto R.
7a8Step L to L making ¼ turn L, step R next to L, step L to L. (9:00)
Start Again and have fun!
Contact: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com.