Intro: 32 counts
Section1: Vine right, scuff, cross rock x 2
1 – 4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right, scuff left
5 - 8Cross rock left over right, recover on right, cross rock left over right, recover on right
Section 2: Side touch, side touch, side together, ¼ turn l, hold
9 - 12Step left to left, touch right next to left, step right to right, touch left next to right
13 - 16Step left to left, step right next to left, turning ¼ left step left forward, hold
Section 3: Pivot ½ turn l, step, hold, run l, r, l, hold
17 - 19Step forward on right, turning ½ turn left taking weight on left, step forward right, hold
20 - 24Step Ste Run forward left, right, left, hold (3 o’clock)
Section 4: Diagonal step touches “K” formation
25 - 28Step right diagonal right forward, touch left next to right, step left diagonal back left, touch right next to left
29 - 32Step right diagonal back right, touch left next to right, step left diagonal left forward, touch right next to left
Have Fun!
Contact - Mail@susannemose.dk - www.susannemose.dk
Section1: Vine right, scuff, cross rock x 2
1 – 4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right, scuff left
5 - 8Cross rock left over right, recover on right, cross rock left over right, recover on right
Section 2: Side touch, side touch, side together, ¼ turn l, hold
9 - 12Step left to left, touch right next to left, step right to right, touch left next to right
13 - 16Step left to left, step right next to left, turning ¼ left step left forward, hold
Section 3: Pivot ½ turn l, step, hold, run l, r, l, hold
17 - 19Step forward on right, turning ½ turn left taking weight on left, step forward right, hold
20 - 24Step Ste Run forward left, right, left, hold (3 o’clock)
Section 4: Diagonal step touches “K” formation
25 - 28Step right diagonal right forward, touch left next to right, step left diagonal back left, touch right next to left
29 - 32Step right diagonal back right, touch left next to right, step left diagonal left forward, touch right next to left
Have Fun!
Contact - Mail@susannemose.dk - www.susannemose.dk