Phrased Intermediate / Advanced West Coast
Sequences: AA BA A(20 counts) CB BA(16 counts) DB A(20 counts)
Part A – 32 counts
A1: Side, cross over ¼ turn L, coaster step, Pivot turn L
1RF Step R
2LF cross over R
&RF ¼ turn L, step back
3LF step back
4RF step back
&LF Step together
5RF Step forward
6LF Step forward
7RF ½ turn L (3.00)
&LF ½ turn L (9.00)
8RF Step forward
A2: Rock, recover X2, step out x2, ½ turn L, hold
1LF Rock forward
2RF Recover
&LF together
3RF Rock forward
4LF Recover
&RF Step out
5LF Step out
6RF cross over L
7LF ½ turn L (3.00)
8RF Hold
A3: Slide down , cross twinkle, hold
1RF Point R, slide down
2RF Touch R hand on the Floor
3RF Rise
4RF Drag towards LF
5RF Cross over LF
&LF Step beside RF
6RF Step towards (4.30)
7LF Step forward (4.30)
8LF Hold
A4: Hold, 1 3/8 turn, weave, ½ turn, sweep
1LF 3/8 turn L (12.00)
2RF ½ turn L (6.00)
3RF ½ turn L (12.00)
4RF Hold
5RF Cross over LF
&LF Step L
6RF Cross behind L
7LF ¼ turn L sweep RF forward (9.00)
8LF ¼ turn L sweep RF forward (6.00)
Part B - 32 counts ( starts always at 12.00)
B1: Step out, Ball hitch, step, cross, ¾ turn L, step, rock
&RF Step out
1LF Step out ( weight on RF)
2LF Ball Hitch R (to the right)
3RF step R
4LF cross over RF
&RF Step side
5LF cross behind RF
6RF ¼ turn L step back (9.00)
&LF ½ turn L step forward (3.00)
7RF Step forward
8LF Rock forward
B2: Step back x2, side rock ½ turn, side rock, hold
1RF Step back
2LF Step back
&RF ¼ t L (12.00)
3LF Step L
4RF Rock R
5LF Recover
6RF ½ turn L rock R (6.00)
7LF Recover
8LF Hold
B3: Hip Bump x4
1RF Touch in front (6.00)
2RF Step down ½ turn L (12.00)
3LF Touch in front
4LF Step down ¼ turn R (3.00)
5RF Touch in front
6RF Step down ½ turn L (9.00)
7LF Touch in front
8LF Step down
B4: ½ Diamond, Spiral turn, unwind, Ball step, hold
1RF Cross over L (10.30)
&LF Step L (12.00)
2RF Step behind LF ( 1.30)
3LF Step back ( 1.30)
&RF Step beside LF
4LF Cross over RF ( weight on LF)
5LF Full turn unwind
6LF Weight on LF
&RF Ball
7LF Step forward ( 1.30)
8RF Hold
Part C - 12 counts (Starting at 9.00)
C1: Full Diamond
1RF Cross over LF(turn 2/8 over L ) (7.30)
&LF Step forward
2RF Step side (6.00)
3LF Cross behind RF (turn 2/8 over L)
&RF Step back
4LF Step side (turn 2/8 over L) (3.00)
5RF Cross over LF (turn 2/8 over L) (1.30)
&LF Step forward
6RF Step side (turn 2/8 over L) (12.00)
7LF Cross behind RF (turn 2/8 over L)(10.30)
&RF Step back ( turn 2/8 over L) (9.00)
8LF Turn ¼ to L (6.00)
C2: 2 ½ turn forward diagonally
1RF 3/8 turn to R step forward (10.30)
2LF ½ turn R step back (4.30)
3RF ½ turn R step forward (10.30)
4LF 1 1/8 turn R (12.00)
Part D - 36 counts(starting at 3.00)
D1: Step, Full Diamond
1RF Step forward (1.30)
2LF Step forward
&RF Step side (2/8 turn L) (12.00)
3LF Step back (10.30)
4RF Step back
&LF Step side (2/8 turn L) (9.00)
5RF Step forward (7.30)
6LF Step forward
&RF Step side (2/8 turn L) (6.00)
7LF Step back (4.30)
8RF Step back
D2: ”Shades” x 4 with ½ turns
1LF ½ turn forward, sweep RF forward
2RF Step down
3LF ½ turn Ball RF sweep backwards
4RF Step down
5LF ½ turn Ball RF sweep forward
6RF Step down
7LF ½ turn Ball RF sweep backwards
8RF Step down
D3: ”Shades” x 1, Diamond
1LF ½ turn Ball RF sweep forward
2RF Cross over LF (10.30)
&LF Step L ( turn 2/8 over R) (12.00)
3RF Step back
4LF Step back (turn 2/8 over R) (1.30)
&RF Step side (turn 2/8 over R)(3.00)
5LF Cross over R (4.30)
6RF Step forward
&LF Step side (turn 2/8 over R) (6.00)
7RF Step back (turn 2/8 over R) (7.30)
8LF Step back
&RF Step side (turn 2/8 over R) ( 9.00)
D4: Step, walk around in Circle, holdx2
1LF Step forward (10.30)
2RF Walk
3LF Walk
4RF Walk
5LF Walk
6RF Walk
7BF Hold (12.00) ( Strech your arms
8BF Hold forward towards the sky..)
D5: Hold x4
1-4BF Hold
Starts on 5….
Ending: Dance Part A to count 20, turn ¾ (instead of ½ turn) turn to the front…… (12.00)
Enjoy this fantastic music… and dance !!!
Contact: tina.steiniche.rasmussen@gmail.com
Part A – 32 counts
A1: Side, cross over ¼ turn L, coaster step, Pivot turn L
1RF Step R
2LF cross over R
&RF ¼ turn L, step back
3LF step back
4RF step back
&LF Step together
5RF Step forward
6LF Step forward
7RF ½ turn L (3.00)
&LF ½ turn L (9.00)
8RF Step forward
A2: Rock, recover X2, step out x2, ½ turn L, hold
1LF Rock forward
2RF Recover
&LF together
3RF Rock forward
4LF Recover
&RF Step out
5LF Step out
6RF cross over L
7LF ½ turn L (3.00)
8RF Hold
A3: Slide down , cross twinkle, hold
1RF Point R, slide down
2RF Touch R hand on the Floor
3RF Rise
4RF Drag towards LF
5RF Cross over LF
&LF Step beside RF
6RF Step towards (4.30)
7LF Step forward (4.30)
8LF Hold
A4: Hold, 1 3/8 turn, weave, ½ turn, sweep
1LF 3/8 turn L (12.00)
2RF ½ turn L (6.00)
3RF ½ turn L (12.00)
4RF Hold
5RF Cross over LF
&LF Step L
6RF Cross behind L
7LF ¼ turn L sweep RF forward (9.00)
8LF ¼ turn L sweep RF forward (6.00)
Part B - 32 counts ( starts always at 12.00)
B1: Step out, Ball hitch, step, cross, ¾ turn L, step, rock
&RF Step out
1LF Step out ( weight on RF)
2LF Ball Hitch R (to the right)
3RF step R
4LF cross over RF
&RF Step side
5LF cross behind RF
6RF ¼ turn L step back (9.00)
&LF ½ turn L step forward (3.00)
7RF Step forward
8LF Rock forward
B2: Step back x2, side rock ½ turn, side rock, hold
1RF Step back
2LF Step back
&RF ¼ t L (12.00)
3LF Step L
4RF Rock R
5LF Recover
6RF ½ turn L rock R (6.00)
7LF Recover
8LF Hold
B3: Hip Bump x4
1RF Touch in front (6.00)
2RF Step down ½ turn L (12.00)
3LF Touch in front
4LF Step down ¼ turn R (3.00)
5RF Touch in front
6RF Step down ½ turn L (9.00)
7LF Touch in front
8LF Step down
B4: ½ Diamond, Spiral turn, unwind, Ball step, hold
1RF Cross over L (10.30)
&LF Step L (12.00)
2RF Step behind LF ( 1.30)
3LF Step back ( 1.30)
&RF Step beside LF
4LF Cross over RF ( weight on LF)
5LF Full turn unwind
6LF Weight on LF
&RF Ball
7LF Step forward ( 1.30)
8RF Hold
Part C - 12 counts (Starting at 9.00)
C1: Full Diamond
1RF Cross over LF(turn 2/8 over L ) (7.30)
&LF Step forward
2RF Step side (6.00)
3LF Cross behind RF (turn 2/8 over L)
&RF Step back
4LF Step side (turn 2/8 over L) (3.00)
5RF Cross over LF (turn 2/8 over L) (1.30)
&LF Step forward
6RF Step side (turn 2/8 over L) (12.00)
7LF Cross behind RF (turn 2/8 over L)(10.30)
&RF Step back ( turn 2/8 over L) (9.00)
8LF Turn ¼ to L (6.00)
C2: 2 ½ turn forward diagonally
1RF 3/8 turn to R step forward (10.30)
2LF ½ turn R step back (4.30)
3RF ½ turn R step forward (10.30)
4LF 1 1/8 turn R (12.00)
Part D - 36 counts(starting at 3.00)
D1: Step, Full Diamond
1RF Step forward (1.30)
2LF Step forward
&RF Step side (2/8 turn L) (12.00)
3LF Step back (10.30)
4RF Step back
&LF Step side (2/8 turn L) (9.00)
5RF Step forward (7.30)
6LF Step forward
&RF Step side (2/8 turn L) (6.00)
7LF Step back (4.30)
8RF Step back
D2: ”Shades” x 4 with ½ turns
1LF ½ turn forward, sweep RF forward
2RF Step down
3LF ½ turn Ball RF sweep backwards
4RF Step down
5LF ½ turn Ball RF sweep forward
6RF Step down
7LF ½ turn Ball RF sweep backwards
8RF Step down
D3: ”Shades” x 1, Diamond
1LF ½ turn Ball RF sweep forward
2RF Cross over LF (10.30)
&LF Step L ( turn 2/8 over R) (12.00)
3RF Step back
4LF Step back (turn 2/8 over R) (1.30)
&RF Step side (turn 2/8 over R)(3.00)
5LF Cross over R (4.30)
6RF Step forward
&LF Step side (turn 2/8 over R) (6.00)
7RF Step back (turn 2/8 over R) (7.30)
8LF Step back
&RF Step side (turn 2/8 over R) ( 9.00)
D4: Step, walk around in Circle, holdx2
1LF Step forward (10.30)
2RF Walk
3LF Walk
4RF Walk
5LF Walk
6RF Walk
7BF Hold (12.00) ( Strech your arms
8BF Hold forward towards the sky..)
D5: Hold x4
1-4BF Hold
Starts on 5….
Ending: Dance Part A to count 20, turn ¾ (instead of ½ turn) turn to the front…… (12.00)
Enjoy this fantastic music… and dance !!!
Contact: tina.steiniche.rasmussen@gmail.com