Start on the vocals
Sec 1: Twist heels, toes, heels, toes, right, twist heels right, left, centre, hold, Moving to the right
1-4(twist heels right, twist toes right,)x2
5-8twist heels right, twist heels left, twist heels centre, hold
Sec 2: Twist heels, toes, heels, toes left, twist heels left, right, centre, hold, Moving to the left
1-4(twist heels left, twist toes left)x2
5-8twist heels left, twist heels right, twist heels centre, hold
Sec 3: Monterey 1/4 turns
1-2point right toe right, turn 1/4 right and step right next to the left
3-4point left toe left, step left next to right
5-8repeat 1-4
Sec 4: Toe fans right & left
1-4stomp right forward with toes in, fan toes out, in, out
5-8stomp left forward with toes in, fan toes out, in, out
Sec 5: Heel struts 1/2 turn right Turning in a semi circle to the right
1-8(right heel forward, right heel down, left heel forward, left heel down)x2
Sec 6: Rocking chair, rock recover with 1/4 turn left 2 stomps
1-4rock forward on right, recover on left, rock back on right, recover on left
5-6rock forward on right, recover on left turning 1/4 left,
7-8stomp right next to left, stomp left next to right
Contact: margaret.fox37@gmail.com
Sec 1: Twist heels, toes, heels, toes, right, twist heels right, left, centre, hold, Moving to the right
1-4(twist heels right, twist toes right,)x2
5-8twist heels right, twist heels left, twist heels centre, hold
Sec 2: Twist heels, toes, heels, toes left, twist heels left, right, centre, hold, Moving to the left
1-4(twist heels left, twist toes left)x2
5-8twist heels left, twist heels right, twist heels centre, hold
Sec 3: Monterey 1/4 turns
1-2point right toe right, turn 1/4 right and step right next to the left
3-4point left toe left, step left next to right
5-8repeat 1-4
Sec 4: Toe fans right & left
1-4stomp right forward with toes in, fan toes out, in, out
5-8stomp left forward with toes in, fan toes out, in, out
Sec 5: Heel struts 1/2 turn right Turning in a semi circle to the right
1-8(right heel forward, right heel down, left heel forward, left heel down)x2
Sec 6: Rocking chair, rock recover with 1/4 turn left 2 stomps
1-4rock forward on right, recover on left, rock back on right, recover on left
5-6rock forward on right, recover on left turning 1/4 left,
7-8stomp right next to left, stomp left next to right
Contact: margaret.fox37@gmail.com