#32 count intro
[1-8] Right front side cross, right coaster step, left rock recover, ¼ turn left sailor step,
1-2Cross right in front of left foot, step left back,
3&4Step right behind, left together, right forward,
5-6Step left forward, recover right,
7&8Hock left behind right foot ¼ turn, step right forward, step left forward.
[9-16] Left pivot ½ turn, left shuffle ½ turn, rock recover, right shuffle ½ turn,
1-2Step right forward, pivot ½ left turn on right foot, step left forward,
3&4Step right forward ¼ turn, left step next to right foot, step right behind ¼ turn (triple steps making ½ turn),
5-6Step left back, recover right,
7&8Step left forward ¼ turn, right step next to left, left step behind ¼ turn (triple steps making ½ turn),
[17-24] Rock recover, kick-ball-change, rock recover w body roll, right sailor ¼ turn,
1-2Step right back, left recover,
3&4Kick right forward, step right next to left foot, step left in place,
5-6Step right forward, lean forward and roll your shoulder then recover left,
7&8Hook right hook behind left foot ¼ right turn, step left forward, step right forward,
[25-32] Pivot ½ turn, cross triple, ¼ left turn, walk walk.
1-2Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right (weight on right after the turn)
3&4Cross left in front right, step right together (slightly behind right keeping the feet crossed), step left foot left,
5-6Step right foot to right side, step left behind turning ¼ left,
7-8Step right forward, step left forward.
Start from the beginning facing the new wall.
Contact: dancingpandacub@outlook.com
[1-8] Right front side cross, right coaster step, left rock recover, ¼ turn left sailor step,
1-2Cross right in front of left foot, step left back,
3&4Step right behind, left together, right forward,
5-6Step left forward, recover right,
7&8Hock left behind right foot ¼ turn, step right forward, step left forward.
[9-16] Left pivot ½ turn, left shuffle ½ turn, rock recover, right shuffle ½ turn,
1-2Step right forward, pivot ½ left turn on right foot, step left forward,
3&4Step right forward ¼ turn, left step next to right foot, step right behind ¼ turn (triple steps making ½ turn),
5-6Step left back, recover right,
7&8Step left forward ¼ turn, right step next to left, left step behind ¼ turn (triple steps making ½ turn),
[17-24] Rock recover, kick-ball-change, rock recover w body roll, right sailor ¼ turn,
1-2Step right back, left recover,
3&4Kick right forward, step right next to left foot, step left in place,
5-6Step right forward, lean forward and roll your shoulder then recover left,
7&8Hook right hook behind left foot ¼ right turn, step left forward, step right forward,
[25-32] Pivot ½ turn, cross triple, ¼ left turn, walk walk.
1-2Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right (weight on right after the turn)
3&4Cross left in front right, step right together (slightly behind right keeping the feet crossed), step left foot left,
5-6Step right foot to right side, step left behind turning ¼ left,
7-8Step right forward, step left forward.
Start from the beginning facing the new wall.
Contact: dancingpandacub@outlook.com