CopperKnob Stepsheets

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You Rock My World

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Jean-Pierre Madge (CH) - April 2015
You Rock My World - Michael Jackson
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Intro: 38 counts

S1: Side-Rock and Step, Step turn Step, Full turn R, Step together
1-2&3Slide R to R, Rock L back, Recover and Step L forward
4&5Step R, turn ½ L, Step R
6&7Full turn to R stepping L, R, L
8Step R next L

S2: MJ’s Applejack, ¼ R Step, Step turn Shuffle
1e&Swivel R toes to R – L heel to R (feet are in v position with toes pointed out), Swivel R toes back to center-L heel back to center (transfer weight), Swivel L toes to L - R heel to L (feet are in v position with toes pointed out)
a 2Hitch L knee up - R heel back to center, Touch L next R
3e&a4 Repeat first 2counts
5-6-7¼ R and Step R forward, Step L forward and ½ R
8&1Shuffle L, R, L

S3: Rock and Cross, ¼ L, Touch and Touch and Switch and Touch
2&3Rock R to R, Recover, Cross R over L
4¼ L Step L forward
5&6&¼ L Point R toes out, ¼ L touch R next L, Point R out, Step R next L
7&8&Point L toes out, Touch L next R, Touch L toes back, ¼ L Step L next R

S4: Step, Drag, Step, Drag, Step Touch Step Touch Back, Together
1-2Step R forward (without weight), Drag R next L (with weight)
3-4Step L forward (without weight), Drag L next R (with weight)
5&6&Step R forward, 1/4 L touch L next R, ¼ L Step L forward, Touch R next L
7-8Big Step R back, Step L next R

S5: Walk Walk, and Touch, Hips Bump, Ball Step turn, Step back, Drag & Turn
1-2Walk R, L
&3Step R forward, Touch L toes out
&4Bump Hips to L, ¼ L Sit on your R leg (optional: With your L hand grab your jean as Michael)
&5-6Step L next R, Step R forward, ½ L
&7Step R next L, Step L back
8Drag your R next L making ½ L (without weight)

S6: Samba Steps, Step turn, Side together
1&2Cross R over L, Rock L to L, Recover
3&4Cross L over R, Rock R to R, Recover
5-6Step R forward, ½ L Touch L next R
7-8Big Step L to L, Touch R next L

S7: Hips Bump turn x2, Rock and Step and Big step, Touch
1&2Touch R to R diagonal and bump hips forward, Bump hips back, Step R forward turn ½ L
3&4½ L bump hips forward, Bump hips back, Step L forward
5&6&Rock R forward, recover, Step R back, Step L back
7-8Big Step R back, Touch L next R

S8: Side, Hold, and Side, turn, Kick out-out and Cross, Half turn
1-2&Step L to L, hold, R next L
3-4Step L to L, ¼ L touch R next L
5&6&7Kick R forward, Step R out, Step L out, Step R next L, Cross L over R
8½ Right (weight on your L)

Bridge: 4th Wall! After 30 counts, don’t do the last 2 counts, after “Step R forward,
Turn 1/4 L touch L next R, ¼ L Step L forward, Touch R next L”
Continue with the next section “ Walk R, L”
Smile and Start again :)

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