Absolute Beginner
Intro: 16 counts
R Grapevine, L Step Together Step Touch
1 2Step right to right side, step left behind right.
3 4Step right to right side, touch left next to right.
5 6Step left to left side, step right next to left.
7 8Step left to left side, touch right toe next to left foot.
R Grapevine, L Step Together Step Touch
1 2Step right to right side, step left behind right.
3 4Step right to right side, touch left next to right.
5 6Step left to left side, step right next to left.
7 8Step left to left side, touch right toe next to left foot.
R Rocking Chair x 2
1 2Rock forward right, recover onto left.
3 4Rock back right, recover onto left.
5 6Rock forward right, recover onto left.
7 8Rock back right, recover onto left.
R ¼ Jazz Box, R Diagonal Step Touch, L Diagonal Step Touch
1 2Cross right over left, step back left.
3 4Step ¼ right, step forward left.
5 6Step forward on right diagonal, touch left next to right.
7 8Step forward on left diagonal, touch right next to left.
Note: On any of the touches feel free to add a clap.
R Grapevine, L Step Together Step Touch
1 2Step right to right side, step left behind right.
3 4Step right to right side, touch left next to right.
5 6Step left to left side, step right next to left.
7 8Step left to left side, touch right toe next to left foot.
R Grapevine, L Step Together Step Touch
1 2Step right to right side, step left behind right.
3 4Step right to right side, touch left next to right.
5 6Step left to left side, step right next to left.
7 8Step left to left side, touch right toe next to left foot.
R Rocking Chair x 2
1 2Rock forward right, recover onto left.
3 4Rock back right, recover onto left.
5 6Rock forward right, recover onto left.
7 8Rock back right, recover onto left.
R ¼ Jazz Box, R Diagonal Step Touch, L Diagonal Step Touch
1 2Cross right over left, step back left.
3 4Step ¼ right, step forward left.
5 6Step forward on right diagonal, touch left next to right.
7 8Step forward on left diagonal, touch right next to left.
Note: On any of the touches feel free to add a clap.