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Overtones Get Ready

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Andrew Hobman (UK) - April 2015
Get Ready - The Overtones
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Intro 24 counts, start on count 25 when vocals begin.

Section 1: (1-8) Right kick, kick coaster step. Left Kick kick coaster step.
1-2Kick Right foot forward then to the right
3&4Right foot down, left beside right, right foot down.
5-6Kick Left foot forward then to the left
7&8Left foot down, right beside left, left foot down.

Section 2: (9-16) Rock forward on right, recover on left, ½ turn right, shuffle forward then Left and right toe strut
1-2Rock forward on right and recover on the left.
3&4½ Turn over the right shoulder and shuffle forward
5-6Touch left toe forward then put weight back on the left.
7-8Touch right toe forward then put weight back on right.

Section 3: (17-24) Walk forward L/R, left Kick ball step, rock forward left, recover right then ½ left shuffle forward.
1-2Step forward on left, then step forward on right.
3&4Kick Left foot forward then step ball of left foot beside right, step forward on right.
5-6Rock forward on the left, recover on the right
7&8½ turn over the left shoulder, step left foot forward, bring right up to left, shuffle left forward.

Section 4: (25-32) Full turn in two over left shoulder, right shuffle forward, Rock forward left then back onto right and then left coaster step.
1-2Make ½ turn over left shoulder stepping back on right then make ½ turn over left stepping forward on the left foot.
3&4Right shuffle forward step right foot forward, bring left up to left, shuffle right forward.
5-6Rock forward on the left, recover on the right
7&8step left beside right, step right beside left, put weight back on the left.

Section 5: (33-40) Two ¼ Monterey turns over the right shoulder
1-2Touch right out to right side then back to left.
3-4Pivot ¼ turn to the right then touch left out to left side then bring back to right.
5-6Touch right out to right side then back to left.
7-8Pivot ¼ turn to the right then touch left out to left side then bring back to right.

Section 6: (41-48) Cross right over left into cross side sailor step, cross left over right into cross side sailor step.
1-2Step right over left, step left to left side.
3&4Step right behind left, step left beside right, step right beside left
1-2Step left over right, step right to right side.
3&4Step left behind right, step right beside left, step left beside right


4 评论

Trouble April 20, 2015
Lovely dance and fits perfect to the music, love the track. Well done Andrew xx

Andrewlds April 21, 2015
Thank you. It's a decent range of steps for improvers but with the music I think it makes it appeal to all levels :-)

Andrewlds April 21, 2015
Thank you. It's a decent range of steps for improvers but with the music I think it makes it appeal to all levels :-)

Andrewlds April 25, 2015
If anyone teaches or does a demo of this dance, it would be great to see it posted on here. Thank you .....happy dancing :-)

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