Easy Intermediate
December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night) - Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons : (CD: The Very Best of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons - iTunes)
Start at lyrics on the word “night” (after 24 counts) - (No Tags OR Restarts!)
Rock Recover, Coaster Back, Pivot ½, Triple Forward, Tap
1, 2Rock right forward, recover onto left
3&4Coaster back: step back on right, step left back next to right, step right forward
5,6Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right onto right
7&8Triple forward: left, right, left
&Tap right toes next to left heel with right knee bent
Step Sweep, Behind Side Cross, Step Pivot ¼, Coaster Back
1, 2Step back onto right while sweeping left around counter-clockwise
3&4Cross step left behind right, step right to right, cross step left in front of right
5, 6Step right to right, pivot ¼ turn left keeping weight on right
7&8Coaster back: step back on left, step right back next to left, step left forward
Walk, Walk, Step Pivot ¼ Cross, Step Cross, Rock Recover Cross
1, 2Walk forward right, walk forward left
3&4Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left onto left, cross step right in front of left
5, 6Step left to left, cross step right in front of left
7&8Rock left to left, recover onto right, cross step left in front of right
Long Step Touch, Long ¼ Step Touch, Step Touch, Step Touch, Step Touch, Step
1, 2Step right a long step right, touch left toes next to right
3, 4Step left a long step to left making ¼ turn left, touch right toes next to left
5&Step right slightly forward to diagonal right, touch left toes next to right
6&Step left slightly forward to diagonal left, touch right toes next to left
7&Step right slightly forward to diagonal right, touch left toes next to right
8Step left slightly forward
Start over!
Ending Note: Dance ends at 6 o’clock wall.
Contact: (902) 457-2774, murphydance@ns.sympatico.ca - http://gerardmurphy.weebly.com/
Rock Recover, Coaster Back, Pivot ½, Triple Forward, Tap
1, 2Rock right forward, recover onto left
3&4Coaster back: step back on right, step left back next to right, step right forward
5,6Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right onto right
7&8Triple forward: left, right, left
&Tap right toes next to left heel with right knee bent
Step Sweep, Behind Side Cross, Step Pivot ¼, Coaster Back
1, 2Step back onto right while sweeping left around counter-clockwise
3&4Cross step left behind right, step right to right, cross step left in front of right
5, 6Step right to right, pivot ¼ turn left keeping weight on right
7&8Coaster back: step back on left, step right back next to left, step left forward
Walk, Walk, Step Pivot ¼ Cross, Step Cross, Rock Recover Cross
1, 2Walk forward right, walk forward left
3&4Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left onto left, cross step right in front of left
5, 6Step left to left, cross step right in front of left
7&8Rock left to left, recover onto right, cross step left in front of right
Long Step Touch, Long ¼ Step Touch, Step Touch, Step Touch, Step Touch, Step
1, 2Step right a long step right, touch left toes next to right
3, 4Step left a long step to left making ¼ turn left, touch right toes next to left
5&Step right slightly forward to diagonal right, touch left toes next to right
6&Step left slightly forward to diagonal left, touch right toes next to left
7&Step right slightly forward to diagonal right, touch left toes next to right
8Step left slightly forward
Start over!
Ending Note: Dance ends at 6 o’clock wall.
Contact: (902) 457-2774, murphydance@ns.sympatico.ca - http://gerardmurphy.weebly.com/