CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Little World

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Sam Arvidson (USA) & Yu Sugawara (JP) - December 2013
World of Our Own (Acoustic) - Westlife : (Album: Face To)
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A – 32 counts
A1: Out-Out In-In, Mambo×2, Side,Hold, Weave, Hop, Sweep-twice, Step
1 2 3 4step left forward at the left diagonal, step right forward at the right diagonal, step left back to center, Step right together
5&6 7&8rock left diagonal forward , recover to right, step left together, rock right diagonal forward, recover to left, step right together

1 2step left to left, hold
3&4cross right behind left、step left to side、cross right across left
&5-6,7-8small hop right、draw circle twice with left toe(weight left when finish)

A2: Out-Out In-In, Mambo×2, Side,Hold, Cross&Cross, Hop,2Sweep,Step
1 2 3 4step right forward at the right diagonal, step left forward at the left diagonal, step right back to center, Step left together
5&6 7&8rock right diagonal forward , recover to left, step right together, rock left diagonal forward, recover to right, step left together

1 2step right to right, hold
3&4cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left across right
&5-6,7-8small hop left, draw circle twice with right toe(weight right when finish)

B - 16 counts
B1: Rock Recover Coaster step ×2, Walk,Walk, Behind Hook, Unwind Full Turn, Sweep, Sweep, Back, Touch
1 2 3&4rock left forward, recover to right, coaster step
5 6 7&8rock right forward, recover to left, coaster step

1 2 3 4step left forward, step right forward, cross left behind right, unwind full turn
5step left back with sweep right
6step right back with sweep left
7 8step left back, touch right beside left

C - 32 counts
C1: (With small hop)Frick、Kick&Clap ×4
1 2step right forward with frick back left, kick left and clap
3 4step left forward with frick back right, kick right and clap
5 6step right forward with frick back left, kick left and clap
7 8step left forward with frick back right, kick right and clap

C2: Side ,Hold,1/4R Paddle,1/4R Paddle, HipLeft, HipRight, HipLeft, Hold(point & Look )
1 2 3 4step right to right, hold, 1/4 turn right and touch left to side, 1/4 turn right and step left to side
5 6 7 8push hip to left、push hip to right, look at the diagonal back over the left shoulder and point to the finger while push hip to left, hold

C3: (With small hop)Flick、Kick &Clap ×4
1 2step right forward with frick back left, kick left and clap
3 4step left forward with frick back right, kick right and clap
5 6step right forward with frick back left, kick left and clap
7 8step left forward with frick back right, kick right and clap

C4: Side ,Hold,1/4R Paddle,1/4R Paddle, Face Down, Face Up, Hold, Weight to Right
1 2 3 4step right to right, hold, 1/4 turn right and touch left to side, 1/4 turn right and step left to side
5face down (weight to left)
6 7 8face up, hold, change weight to right
Note* Don’t change weight to left when you do “C” again.

D - 16 counts
D1: Side, Touch&Snap, Side, Touch&Snap, Rolling Vine, Touch
1 2step left to left with throw up left hand, touch right beside left with snap over head
3 4step right to right, touch left beside right with snap front of right hip
5 6 7 8rolling vine left, touch right beside left

D2: Side, Touch&Snap, Side, Touch&Snap,  Syncopation JazzBox
1 2step right to right with throw up right hand, touch left beside right with snap over head
3 4step left to left, touch right beside left with snap front of left hip
5&6step right to right, cross left across right, step right to back
7 8step left to left, step right beside left

E - 16 counts
E1: Left Diagonal Forward, Touch&Snap, Right Diagonal Back, Touch&Snap, Left Diagonal Back, Touch&Snap, Right Diagonal Forward, Touch&Snap,
1 2step left to left diagonal forward with throw up left hand, touch right beside left with snap over head
3 4step right to right diagonal back, touch left beside right with snap front of right hip
5 6step left to left diagonal back with throw up left hand, touch right beside left with snap over head
7 8step right to right diagonal forward, touch left beside right with snap front of right hip

E2: Left Diagonal Forward, Touch&Snap, Right Diagonal Back, Touch&Snap, Sway, Sway, Cross, Unwind Full Turn(weight to Right)
1 2step left to left diagonal forward with throw up left hand, touch right beside left with snap over head
3 4step right to right diagonal back, touch left beside right with snap front of right hip
5 6step left to left and sway left, sway right
7 8cross left across right, unwind full turn(weight to right)

REPEAT - Have Fun !!


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