CopperKnob Stepsheets

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50 Shades of Easy

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Suzi Beau (ENG) - February 2015
Earned It - The Weeknd : (From the Soundtrack 50 shades of grey)
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Intro 24 Counts

SECTION 1: Cross Point Hold, Behind Point Hold
1-3Cross left over right, Point right to right side,Hold
4-6Step right behind left , Point left to left side, Hold

SECTION 2: Twinkle turning ¼ left , Twinkle
1-3Cross step left over right. Turn ¼ left stepping back on right. Step left next to right
4-6Cross right over left, step left together step right together

SECTION 3: ¼ Side rock Side Drag Hold
1-3Turn ¼ left stepping forward left, Rock right out to the side swaying body right, recover left
4-6Take a big step right, drag left to right Hold

SECTION 4: Vine turning ½ Left Side Drag
1-3Step left to left side, step right behind left turn ½ left stepping left
4-6Take a big step to the right, drag left to right Hold

SECTION 5: Step Hitch kick back drag hold
1-3Step forward on left, hitch right knee across left, extend lower leg into a slow kick
4-6Step a big step back on right and drag left to right Hold

SECTION 6: Waltz forward with ½ turn Left, back together together
1-3Step forward on left, turn ½ left stepping back right, step left together
4-6Step back right step left together step right together

SECTION 7: Step Hitch kick Cross Sweep Forward
1-3Step forward left hitch right knee across left, extend lower leg into a slow kick
4-6Cross right over left, sweep left round to the front over 2 counts

SECTION 8: Twinkle Cross Point Hold
1-3Cross left over right, step right together step left together
4-6Cross right over left Hold for 2 counts

No Tags Or Restarts! Yippeee


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