Easy Intermediate
#16 count intro, NO TAGS OR RESTARTS
Heel Strut Fwd RL 4 Count Rocking Chair
1,2,3,4Heel strut fwd RL
5,6,7,8Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L, Rock/step back on R, Recover fwd on L
(alternative steps for 5,6 Heel grind on R as seen on video)
Heel Strut Fwd RL 4 Count Rocking Chair
9,10,11,12Heel strut fwd RL
13,14,15,16Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L, Rock/step back on R, Recover fwd on L
(alternative steps for 13,14,15,16 as seen on video Step Pivot 1/2 x 2)
Step Pivot 1/4 Shuffle Fwd Step Pivot 1/4 Shuffle Fwd
17,18Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 left transferring wt to L
19&20Shuffle fwd RLR
21,22Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/4 right transferring wt to R
23&24Shuffle fwd LRL
Rock Fwd Recover Toe Strut Back RLR
25,26Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L
27-32Toe strut back R,L,R ( turn on the toe struts to increase difficulty)
Back Together Across Side Rock Behind Recover Shuffle Left
33,34,35,36Step back on L, Step R beside L, Step L across R, Step R to right
37,38Rock/step L behind R, Recover fwd on R
38&40Shuffle left stepping LRL
Rock Behind Recover Shuffle Right Rock Back Recover Shuffle Fwd
41,42Rock/step R behind L, Recover fwd on L
43&44Shuffle right stepping RLR
45,46,47&48Rock/step back on L, Recover fwd on R, Shuffle Fwd LRL
Rock Fwd Recover Step Back Touch Side Together Step Fwd Scuff
49,50,51,52Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L, Step back on R, Touch L beside R
53,54,55,56Step L to left, Step R beside L, Step fwd on L, Scuff R Fwd
Fwd 1/4 Tap/Clap Side Tap[/Clap Fwd 1/4 Tap/Clap Side Tap[/Clap
57.58 Step fwd on R while making 1/4 left Tap L beside R and clap
59.60 Step L to left, Tap R beside L and clap
61,62Step fwd on R while making 1/4 left Tap L beside R and clap
63,64Step L to left, Tap R beside L and clap
I could listen to The Mavericks all day….. And sometimes do…..
This is an easyish dance to one of their latest songs and it will please those
Dancers who don’t like tags or restarts because it doesn’t have any! (-:
To increase the level of difficulty try the alternative steps.
See you on the floor sometime.... Jan
Contact: Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au - Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/
Heel Strut Fwd RL 4 Count Rocking Chair
1,2,3,4Heel strut fwd RL
5,6,7,8Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L, Rock/step back on R, Recover fwd on L
(alternative steps for 5,6 Heel grind on R as seen on video)
Heel Strut Fwd RL 4 Count Rocking Chair
9,10,11,12Heel strut fwd RL
13,14,15,16Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L, Rock/step back on R, Recover fwd on L
(alternative steps for 13,14,15,16 as seen on video Step Pivot 1/2 x 2)
Step Pivot 1/4 Shuffle Fwd Step Pivot 1/4 Shuffle Fwd
17,18Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 left transferring wt to L
19&20Shuffle fwd RLR
21,22Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/4 right transferring wt to R
23&24Shuffle fwd LRL
Rock Fwd Recover Toe Strut Back RLR
25,26Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L
27-32Toe strut back R,L,R ( turn on the toe struts to increase difficulty)
Back Together Across Side Rock Behind Recover Shuffle Left
33,34,35,36Step back on L, Step R beside L, Step L across R, Step R to right
37,38Rock/step L behind R, Recover fwd on R
38&40Shuffle left stepping LRL
Rock Behind Recover Shuffle Right Rock Back Recover Shuffle Fwd
41,42Rock/step R behind L, Recover fwd on L
43&44Shuffle right stepping RLR
45,46,47&48Rock/step back on L, Recover fwd on R, Shuffle Fwd LRL
Rock Fwd Recover Step Back Touch Side Together Step Fwd Scuff
49,50,51,52Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L, Step back on R, Touch L beside R
53,54,55,56Step L to left, Step R beside L, Step fwd on L, Scuff R Fwd
Fwd 1/4 Tap/Clap Side Tap[/Clap Fwd 1/4 Tap/Clap Side Tap[/Clap
57.58 Step fwd on R while making 1/4 left Tap L beside R and clap
59.60 Step L to left, Tap R beside L and clap
61,62Step fwd on R while making 1/4 left Tap L beside R and clap
63,64Step L to left, Tap R beside L and clap
I could listen to The Mavericks all day….. And sometimes do…..
This is an easyish dance to one of their latest songs and it will please those
Dancers who don’t like tags or restarts because it doesn’t have any! (-:
To increase the level of difficulty try the alternative steps.
See you on the floor sometime.... Jan
Contact: Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au - Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/