Absolute Beginner
Intro: 24 count, start on Vocals
This dance can be done to all different tempos, please try it to your favorite songs.
Sec 1: Basic Forward Waltz, Basic Back Waltz
1-3Step forward on right, step left next to right, step right next to left
4-6Step back on left, step right next to left, step left next to right
Sec 2: Cross Point, Hold, Cross Point, Hold
1-3Cross right over left, point left toe to the left side, hold
4-6Cross left over right, point right toe to right side, hold
Sec 3: Step Forward, Drag, Kick, Back, Drag, Hitch
1-3Step right forward, drag left leg towards right, kick left forward
4-6Step back on left, drag right towards left, hitch right knee
Sec 4: Sway Right, Hold, Sway Left, Hold
1-3Step right foot to right and sway right, hold 2 counts
4-6Sway left, hold 2 counts (weight on left)
Turn ¼ R (3:00), making this your new wall and start the dance from the top with “Basic Forward Waltz, Basic Back Waltz”
Repeat & Enjoy
Contact: hsiaoll168@gmail.com
This dance can be done to all different tempos, please try it to your favorite songs.
Sec 1: Basic Forward Waltz, Basic Back Waltz
1-3Step forward on right, step left next to right, step right next to left
4-6Step back on left, step right next to left, step left next to right
Sec 2: Cross Point, Hold, Cross Point, Hold
1-3Cross right over left, point left toe to the left side, hold
4-6Cross left over right, point right toe to right side, hold
Sec 3: Step Forward, Drag, Kick, Back, Drag, Hitch
1-3Step right forward, drag left leg towards right, kick left forward
4-6Step back on left, drag right towards left, hitch right knee
Sec 4: Sway Right, Hold, Sway Left, Hold
1-3Step right foot to right and sway right, hold 2 counts
4-6Sway left, hold 2 counts (weight on left)
Turn ¼ R (3:00), making this your new wall and start the dance from the top with “Basic Forward Waltz, Basic Back Waltz”
Repeat & Enjoy
Contact: hsiaoll168@gmail.com