Phrased High Beginner
Sequence of dance: A, A, B, A, A, A, B, A
Start dance on vocals:
Section A = 32 counts ( Cha Cha Cha )
1&2 3&4Step diagonally left and hip bump LRL , step diagonally right and hip bump RLR
5 6 7 8Rock left forward, recover right, ½ left turn shuffle forward LRL (6.00)
1&2 3&4Step diagonally right and hip bump RLR, step diagonally left and hip bump LRL
5 6 7 8Rock right forward, recover left, ½ right turn shuffle forward RLR (12.00)
1 2Step left forward, on ball of left make ½ right turn hitch right across left (6.00)
3&4Shuffle forward RLR
56 7&8Step left forward, on ball of left make ¼ left turn flick right back (3.00)
3&4Shuffle forward RLR
1&2 3Step left and hip bump LRL, bump R (weight on right)
4&5Step left and hip bump LRL
*6 7 8 Sway RLR
*( Last wall facing front: replace count 6 7 8 with 6&7 ….. Bump hip RLR )
Section B = 32 counts ( Rumba )
1 2 3 4Step left forward, hold, step right, step left together
5 6 7 8Step right back, hold, step left, step right together
1 2 3 4¼ left turn step left forward, hold, step right, step left together
5 6 7 8Step right back, hold, step left, step right together
1 2 3 4Big step left, drag right to left, step right together, cross left over right
5 6 7 8Big step right, drag left to right, step left together, cross right over left
1 2 3 41/2 left turn step left forward, sweep right back to front, cross right over left, step left
5 6 7 8Step right behind left, sweep left front to back, step left behind right, step right to right
Start dance on vocals:
Section A = 32 counts ( Cha Cha Cha )
1&2 3&4Step diagonally left and hip bump LRL , step diagonally right and hip bump RLR
5 6 7 8Rock left forward, recover right, ½ left turn shuffle forward LRL (6.00)
1&2 3&4Step diagonally right and hip bump RLR, step diagonally left and hip bump LRL
5 6 7 8Rock right forward, recover left, ½ right turn shuffle forward RLR (12.00)
1 2Step left forward, on ball of left make ½ right turn hitch right across left (6.00)
3&4Shuffle forward RLR
56 7&8Step left forward, on ball of left make ¼ left turn flick right back (3.00)
3&4Shuffle forward RLR
1&2 3Step left and hip bump LRL, bump R (weight on right)
4&5Step left and hip bump LRL
*6 7 8 Sway RLR
*( Last wall facing front: replace count 6 7 8 with 6&7 ….. Bump hip RLR )
Section B = 32 counts ( Rumba )
1 2 3 4Step left forward, hold, step right, step left together
5 6 7 8Step right back, hold, step left, step right together
1 2 3 4¼ left turn step left forward, hold, step right, step left together
5 6 7 8Step right back, hold, step left, step right together
1 2 3 4Big step left, drag right to left, step right together, cross left over right
5 6 7 8Big step right, drag left to right, step left together, cross right over left
1 2 3 41/2 left turn step left forward, sweep right back to front, cross right over left, step left
5 6 7 8Step right behind left, sweep left front to back, step left behind right, step right to right