CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Liz Gardiner (AUS) - January 2015
Starts after two counts on the word “I” , weight on left. CW rotation

[1–8&] Fwd, Side, Recover, Fwd, 1/2 L Turn, Full L Turn, Fwd Shuffle LRL, Rock Fwd, Recover
1, 2&3Step R fwd (lyric “I”), Step L to L side, Recover R to R side, Step L fwd (lyric “changing”)
4, &51/2 L turn stepping R back, Full L turn stepping in place L R,
6&7, 8&Shuffle fwd LRL, Rock R fwd, Recover L (6.00)

[9-16&] 1/2 R, 1/2 R, 1/4 R Side Sway R, Recover Sway L, Side Shuffle 1/4 R, Step R Fwd, 1/2 R Pivot, 3/4 Triple Step in Place LRL
1, 2, 31/2 R turn step R fwd, 1/2 R turn step L back, 1/4 turn R step R to R side swaying hips R,
4, 5&6, &7Recover L swaying hips L, Side shuffle R with 1/4 turn R, Step L fwd, quick 1/2 pivot R,
&8&Step L fwd and turning L, 1/2 L stepping R back, 1/4 L turn finishing with L over R (triple step in place) (9.00)

[17-24] Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Weave L, Rock L 45°Diagonal, Recover R
1, 2&3, 4&Cross R over L, Recover L, Step R to R side, Cross L over R, Recover R, Step L to L side. Weave L crossing R over L,
5&6&7,8L to L Side, Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Step R fwd on L 45°diagonal, Recover L (7.30)

[&25-32] Full Turn R Over L 45°, 1/2 Turning Shuffle Fwd RLR, Back, Back, Cross, Step R back, Turning L do a 7/8 Turning Lock Step Shuffle LRLRL
&1, 2&31/2 turn R stepping R fwd, 1/2 turn R Step L back, 1/2 turn R shuffling fwd RLR,
4&5, &Step back on L, Step back on R, Cross L over R, Step R back, L fwd ( start 9.00) beginning a 7/8 turning lock shuffle
6&7&8LRLRL. This turning lock shuffle should travel (3.00)

No Tags No Restarts

Finishes on the turning lock shuffle to the front wall (12.00)


Southern Cross Linedancers
Liz Gardiner : mob 0435 006 800 - - 151 Valley Rd Hazelbrook, 2779, NSW, Australia

Last Update - 12th May 2015

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