Phrased Intermediate
Notes: Dance has A & B sections. However, on Wall 3 there is "Section A1" which has 24 counts instead of 32 (with a slight step change); and on Wall 7 "Section A2" is 16 instead of 32 (with a slight step change).
Order: A, A, A1, B, A, A, A2, B, A, A, A (last A has slight step change to end at 12:00)
Intro: 16 counts (on vocals)
SECTION A: 32 counts
Start with weight on left.
A[1-8] Front cross rocks, rock recover, right full turn with spin on R
1&2R cross rock over L (1), recover back on L (&), R step to right side (2)
3&4L cross rock over R (3), recover back on R (&), L step to left side (4)
5,6R forward (5), recover back L (6)
7,81/2 right turn step R forward (7) 6:00, 1/2 spin on R bringing L next to R, weight L 12:00
A[9-16] Mambo X2, 1/4 left pivot, cross-and-cross
1&2R rock to right side (1), L recover (&), R step next to L (2)
3&4L rock to left side (3), R recover (&), L step next to R (4)
5,6R step forward (5), 1/4 left turn pivot weight on L (6) 9:00
7&8Cross R step over L (7), L ball step (&), cross step R over L (8)
A[17-24] Side rock recover, weave, pivot, hitch, shuffle
1,2L side rock (1), R recover (2)
3&4L behind R (3), step R to right (&), cross L over R (4)
5, 61/4 right turn R step forward (5) 12:00, hitch L while turning 1/2 right (6) 6:00
7&8L step forward (7), R ball step (&), L forward
A[25-32] Rock, sweep, sweep, sailor X2
1,2Rock forward R (1), pushing off R recover to L back as you sweep R front to back (2)
3,4Step R back (3), sweep L back and take weight (4)
5&6Cross R behind L (5), step L to left (&), step R to right side (6)
7&8Step L back (7), step R forward (&), step L to left side (8)
SECTION B: 32 counts (always starts facing 12:00)
B[1-8] Point X2, pivot left 1/2 turn, full left turn
1,2Step R forward (1), point L left side (2)
3,4Step L forward (3), point R right side (4)
5,6Step R forward (5), left 1/2 turn pivot (6) 6:00
7,8Turn left 1/2 turn step R back (7) 12:00, turn left 1/2 turn step L forward (8) 6:00
B[9-16] Shuffle, rock recover, syncopated jazz box
1&2R forward (1), left ball step (&), R forward (2)
3,4L rock forward (3), recover back R (4)
5,6,7,8&Step L back (5), cross R over L (6), step L back (7), R to right side (8), recover L (&)
B[17-24] Point, point, pivot left 1/2 turn, full left turn
1,2Step R forward (1), point L left side (2)
3,4Step L forward (3), point R right side (4)
5,6Step R forward (5), left 1/2 turn pivot (6) 12:00
7,8Turn left 1/2 turn step R back (7) 6:00, turn left 1/2 turn step L forward (8) 12:00
B[25-32] Stomp X3 *timed to vocals*, hold, left mambo, side rock recover, touch
1,2,3,4R stomp (1) "I", L stomp (2) "won't", R stomp (3) "take", hold (4)
5&6L rock to left side (5), R recover (&), L step to R (6)
7&8R side rock (7), L recover (&), touch R next to L (8)
SECTION A1: Start at 12:00
Sections 1 and 2 are the same as A.
Section 3: Counts 1-4 the same.
Make 1/4 right turn hitch, shuffle (9:00)
5, 61/4 right turn R step forward (5) 12:00, hitch L (6)
7&8L step forward (7), R ball step (&), L forward
SECTION A2: Start at 12:00
Section 1 is the same as A.
Section 2: Counts 1-4 the same (mambos).
Cross rocks X2 (12:00)
5&6R cross rock over L (5), recover back on L (&), R step to right side (6)
7&8L cross rock over R (7), recover back on R (&), L step to left side (8)
ENDING: Section A same until last 2 counts
Sailor 1/4 left turn X2 to end at 12:00
7&8Step L back (7), 1/4 left turn step R to side (&) 3:00, 1/4 left turn step L forward (8) 12:00
Contact: barbara.tobin@yahoo.com
Order: A, A, A1, B, A, A, A2, B, A, A, A (last A has slight step change to end at 12:00)
Intro: 16 counts (on vocals)
SECTION A: 32 counts
Start with weight on left.
A[1-8] Front cross rocks, rock recover, right full turn with spin on R
1&2R cross rock over L (1), recover back on L (&), R step to right side (2)
3&4L cross rock over R (3), recover back on R (&), L step to left side (4)
5,6R forward (5), recover back L (6)
7,81/2 right turn step R forward (7) 6:00, 1/2 spin on R bringing L next to R, weight L 12:00
A[9-16] Mambo X2, 1/4 left pivot, cross-and-cross
1&2R rock to right side (1), L recover (&), R step next to L (2)
3&4L rock to left side (3), R recover (&), L step next to R (4)
5,6R step forward (5), 1/4 left turn pivot weight on L (6) 9:00
7&8Cross R step over L (7), L ball step (&), cross step R over L (8)
A[17-24] Side rock recover, weave, pivot, hitch, shuffle
1,2L side rock (1), R recover (2)
3&4L behind R (3), step R to right (&), cross L over R (4)
5, 61/4 right turn R step forward (5) 12:00, hitch L while turning 1/2 right (6) 6:00
7&8L step forward (7), R ball step (&), L forward
A[25-32] Rock, sweep, sweep, sailor X2
1,2Rock forward R (1), pushing off R recover to L back as you sweep R front to back (2)
3,4Step R back (3), sweep L back and take weight (4)
5&6Cross R behind L (5), step L to left (&), step R to right side (6)
7&8Step L back (7), step R forward (&), step L to left side (8)
SECTION B: 32 counts (always starts facing 12:00)
B[1-8] Point X2, pivot left 1/2 turn, full left turn
1,2Step R forward (1), point L left side (2)
3,4Step L forward (3), point R right side (4)
5,6Step R forward (5), left 1/2 turn pivot (6) 6:00
7,8Turn left 1/2 turn step R back (7) 12:00, turn left 1/2 turn step L forward (8) 6:00
B[9-16] Shuffle, rock recover, syncopated jazz box
1&2R forward (1), left ball step (&), R forward (2)
3,4L rock forward (3), recover back R (4)
5,6,7,8&Step L back (5), cross R over L (6), step L back (7), R to right side (8), recover L (&)
B[17-24] Point, point, pivot left 1/2 turn, full left turn
1,2Step R forward (1), point L left side (2)
3,4Step L forward (3), point R right side (4)
5,6Step R forward (5), left 1/2 turn pivot (6) 12:00
7,8Turn left 1/2 turn step R back (7) 6:00, turn left 1/2 turn step L forward (8) 12:00
B[25-32] Stomp X3 *timed to vocals*, hold, left mambo, side rock recover, touch
1,2,3,4R stomp (1) "I", L stomp (2) "won't", R stomp (3) "take", hold (4)
5&6L rock to left side (5), R recover (&), L step to R (6)
7&8R side rock (7), L recover (&), touch R next to L (8)
SECTION A1: Start at 12:00
Sections 1 and 2 are the same as A.
Section 3: Counts 1-4 the same.
Make 1/4 right turn hitch, shuffle (9:00)
5, 61/4 right turn R step forward (5) 12:00, hitch L (6)
7&8L step forward (7), R ball step (&), L forward
SECTION A2: Start at 12:00
Section 1 is the same as A.
Section 2: Counts 1-4 the same (mambos).
Cross rocks X2 (12:00)
5&6R cross rock over L (5), recover back on L (&), R step to right side (6)
7&8L cross rock over R (7), recover back on R (&), L step to left side (8)
ENDING: Section A same until last 2 counts
Sailor 1/4 left turn X2 to end at 12:00
7&8Step L back (7), 1/4 left turn step R to side (&) 3:00, 1/4 left turn step L forward (8) 12:00
Contact: barbara.tobin@yahoo.com