(Starts on vocals)
(1-8) Shuffle Forward, Rock/Sway, Shuffle Forward, Rock/Sway
1&2Step Forward, Together, Forward (RLR)
3,4Step Left pushing Hips to Left, Shift weight & Sway Hips to the Right (LR)
5&6Step Forward, Together, Forward (LRL)
7,8Step Right pushing Hips to Right, Shift weight & Sway Hips to the Left (RL)
(9-16) Shuffle Back, Walk Back, Coaster Step, Out Out
1&2Step Back, Together, Back (RLR)
3,4Step Back, Step Back (LR)
5&6Step Back, Together, Forward (LRL)
7,8Step Forward-right, Step Left - Apart (RL)
(17-24) Hip Bumps (like Tush Push)
1&2Bump Hips (R&R)
3&4Bump Hips (L&L)
5,6,7,8Sway Hips (RLRL = side to side or figure 8 or in circle)
(25-32) Coaster Step, Step Pivot 1/4 Right, Cross-Rock-Step, Stomp x2
1&2Step Back, Together, Forward (RLR)
3,4Step Forward-Left, Pivot ¼ Right (Weight to Right) (LR) [3:00]
5&6Cross-Step Left over Right, Recover Back to Right foot, Step Left (LRL)
7,8Stomp Right beside Left twice (no weight)
Repeat & Have FUN! - No Tags - No Restarts
Contact: lynnes-lines@juno.com - http://lynneslines.mysite.com
(1-8) Shuffle Forward, Rock/Sway, Shuffle Forward, Rock/Sway
1&2Step Forward, Together, Forward (RLR)
3,4Step Left pushing Hips to Left, Shift weight & Sway Hips to the Right (LR)
5&6Step Forward, Together, Forward (LRL)
7,8Step Right pushing Hips to Right, Shift weight & Sway Hips to the Left (RL)
(9-16) Shuffle Back, Walk Back, Coaster Step, Out Out
1&2Step Back, Together, Back (RLR)
3,4Step Back, Step Back (LR)
5&6Step Back, Together, Forward (LRL)
7,8Step Forward-right, Step Left - Apart (RL)
(17-24) Hip Bumps (like Tush Push)
1&2Bump Hips (R&R)
3&4Bump Hips (L&L)
5,6,7,8Sway Hips (RLRL = side to side or figure 8 or in circle)
(25-32) Coaster Step, Step Pivot 1/4 Right, Cross-Rock-Step, Stomp x2
1&2Step Back, Together, Forward (RLR)
3,4Step Forward-Left, Pivot ¼ Right (Weight to Right) (LR) [3:00]
5&6Cross-Step Left over Right, Recover Back to Right foot, Step Left (LRL)
7,8Stomp Right beside Left twice (no weight)
Repeat & Have FUN! - No Tags - No Restarts
Contact: lynnes-lines@juno.com - http://lynneslines.mysite.com