Phrased Improver
Start on vocal - Seq: A-B-A-B-B32-A40-B-A16
A – 70 counts
Kick, Hook, Kick, Brush, Scuff, Stomp, Heel swivel
1-2-3-4Kick R, hook R, kick R, brush R back
5-6-7-8Scuff R, stomp R fwd., swivel heels out-in (12)
Kick, Hook, Kick, Brush, Scuff, Stomp, Heel swivel
1-2-3-4Kick L, hook L, kick L, brush L back
5-6-7-8Scuff L, stomp L fwd., swivel heels out-in (12)
Rocking Chair, Step ½ turn x 2
1-2-3-4Rock fwd, on R heel, recover Stomp L, rock back R, recover stomp L
5-6-7-8Step fwd. R, ½ turn left, step R fwd., ½ turn left (12)
Vine right, Scuff, Cross touch unvine, ½ turn toe strut
1-2-3-4Step R to side, L behind R, R to side, Scuff L (12)
5-6-7-8Cross Touch L toe ½ unvine right (6), ½ turn touch R toe heel down (12)
Heel Strut R-L ( going fwd. )
1-2-3-4L heel, toe down, R heel, Toe down (12)
Lock step, Scuff, diag. step, Stomp up, Step ¼ turn left, Scuff
1-2-3-4Step L fwd., cross R behind, step fwd. L, scuff R (12)
( wall 3 after lock step B32 (12) )
5-6-7-8Step diag.fwd.R, stomp up L, ¼ turn left stepping L diag. back. Scuff R (9)
Wive. Vaudeville, Hold
1-2-3-4Cross R, step L to side, R behind, L to side
5-6-7-8R heel tap, R in place, cross L, hold (9)
¼ Turn rock, Recover, ½ turn right, Scuff, Rock, Recover, ½ turn left, Stomp up
1-2-3-4¼ turn right rock R heel (12), recover, ½ turn right, scuff (6)
5-6-7-8Rock on L heel, recover, ½ turn left, stomp up R (12)
Side rock cross, Hold, diag. Rock, ½ turn left, Scuff
1-2-3-4Rock R to side, recover L, cross R, hold (12)
5-6-7-8diag, rock L, recover R, ½ turn left stepping L to side, scuff R (6)
B – 56 counts
Jump out, Kick, Scoot full turn, Jumping back rock kick flick x2
1-2(jump) 1/8 turn left out left out right, 1/8 right back weight on left kick right
3-4Scoot ½ turn right X2 ( R hook across L)
5-6-7-8Jump back R kick L, recover L flick R behind L X2 (6)
Diag. fwd. right, Stomp, diag. back left, Stomp, side rock cross, hold
1-2-3-4Step diag. fwd. R, stomp L, Diag. Back L, stomp R
5-6-7-8Rock R to side, recover L, cross R over L, Hold (6)
Jump out, Kick, Scoot full turn, Jumping back rock kick flick x2
1-2(jump) 1/8 turn right out right out left, 1/8 left back weight on right kick left
3-4Scoot ½ turn left X2 ( L hook across R)
5-6-7-8Jump back L kick R, recover R flick L behind R X2 (6)
Diag. fwd. right, Stomp, diag. back left, Stomp, side rock cross, hold
1-2-3-4Step diag. fwd. L, stomp R, Diag. Back R, stomp L
5-6-7-8Rock L to side, recover R, cross L over R, Hold (6)
( wall 5 Restart A44 (12))
Vine right point, Rolling vine left ¼ turn, Scuff
1-2-3-4Step R to side, L behind, R to side, point L (6)
5-6-7-8¼ turn left, ½ turn L stepping R fwd., ½ turn L step fwd., scuff R (3)
¼ turn left vine right, Point, Rolling vine ¼ turn, Scuff
1-2-3-4¼ turn left step R to side, L behind, R to side, point L (12)
5-6-7-8¼ turn left, ½ turn L stepping R fwd., ½ turn L step fwd., scuff R (9)
Rocking chair, Step ½ turn left, Step ¼ turn left, Stomp R, Stomp L
1-2-3-4Rock on R heel, recover stomp L, rock back R, recover stomp L (9)
5-8-1-2Step R fwd., ½ turn left (3), step R fwd. ¼ turn left, stomp R-L (12),
Ending: A 16 ( replace 13-16) ( 6 o´clock)
13-16Touch L toe back. ½ turn unvine left, stomp fwd. R, hold
Contact: dwightgoldwing@gmail.com
A – 70 counts
Kick, Hook, Kick, Brush, Scuff, Stomp, Heel swivel
1-2-3-4Kick R, hook R, kick R, brush R back
5-6-7-8Scuff R, stomp R fwd., swivel heels out-in (12)
Kick, Hook, Kick, Brush, Scuff, Stomp, Heel swivel
1-2-3-4Kick L, hook L, kick L, brush L back
5-6-7-8Scuff L, stomp L fwd., swivel heels out-in (12)
Rocking Chair, Step ½ turn x 2
1-2-3-4Rock fwd, on R heel, recover Stomp L, rock back R, recover stomp L
5-6-7-8Step fwd. R, ½ turn left, step R fwd., ½ turn left (12)
Vine right, Scuff, Cross touch unvine, ½ turn toe strut
1-2-3-4Step R to side, L behind R, R to side, Scuff L (12)
5-6-7-8Cross Touch L toe ½ unvine right (6), ½ turn touch R toe heel down (12)
Heel Strut R-L ( going fwd. )
1-2-3-4L heel, toe down, R heel, Toe down (12)
Lock step, Scuff, diag. step, Stomp up, Step ¼ turn left, Scuff
1-2-3-4Step L fwd., cross R behind, step fwd. L, scuff R (12)
( wall 3 after lock step B32 (12) )
5-6-7-8Step diag.fwd.R, stomp up L, ¼ turn left stepping L diag. back. Scuff R (9)
Wive. Vaudeville, Hold
1-2-3-4Cross R, step L to side, R behind, L to side
5-6-7-8R heel tap, R in place, cross L, hold (9)
¼ Turn rock, Recover, ½ turn right, Scuff, Rock, Recover, ½ turn left, Stomp up
1-2-3-4¼ turn right rock R heel (12), recover, ½ turn right, scuff (6)
5-6-7-8Rock on L heel, recover, ½ turn left, stomp up R (12)
Side rock cross, Hold, diag. Rock, ½ turn left, Scuff
1-2-3-4Rock R to side, recover L, cross R, hold (12)
5-6-7-8diag, rock L, recover R, ½ turn left stepping L to side, scuff R (6)
B – 56 counts
Jump out, Kick, Scoot full turn, Jumping back rock kick flick x2
1-2(jump) 1/8 turn left out left out right, 1/8 right back weight on left kick right
3-4Scoot ½ turn right X2 ( R hook across L)
5-6-7-8Jump back R kick L, recover L flick R behind L X2 (6)
Diag. fwd. right, Stomp, diag. back left, Stomp, side rock cross, hold
1-2-3-4Step diag. fwd. R, stomp L, Diag. Back L, stomp R
5-6-7-8Rock R to side, recover L, cross R over L, Hold (6)
Jump out, Kick, Scoot full turn, Jumping back rock kick flick x2
1-2(jump) 1/8 turn right out right out left, 1/8 left back weight on right kick left
3-4Scoot ½ turn left X2 ( L hook across R)
5-6-7-8Jump back L kick R, recover R flick L behind R X2 (6)
Diag. fwd. right, Stomp, diag. back left, Stomp, side rock cross, hold
1-2-3-4Step diag. fwd. L, stomp R, Diag. Back R, stomp L
5-6-7-8Rock L to side, recover R, cross L over R, Hold (6)
( wall 5 Restart A44 (12))
Vine right point, Rolling vine left ¼ turn, Scuff
1-2-3-4Step R to side, L behind, R to side, point L (6)
5-6-7-8¼ turn left, ½ turn L stepping R fwd., ½ turn L step fwd., scuff R (3)
¼ turn left vine right, Point, Rolling vine ¼ turn, Scuff
1-2-3-4¼ turn left step R to side, L behind, R to side, point L (12)
5-6-7-8¼ turn left, ½ turn L stepping R fwd., ½ turn L step fwd., scuff R (9)
Rocking chair, Step ½ turn left, Step ¼ turn left, Stomp R, Stomp L
1-2-3-4Rock on R heel, recover stomp L, rock back R, recover stomp L (9)
5-8-1-2Step R fwd., ½ turn left (3), step R fwd. ¼ turn left, stomp R-L (12),
Ending: A 16 ( replace 13-16) ( 6 o´clock)
13-16Touch L toe back. ½ turn unvine left, stomp fwd. R, hold
Contact: dwightgoldwing@gmail.com