Intro: 24 counts
[1-8] Rumba Box, Side cross point, Behind ¼ Step, Step Lock
1-2&Step L forward(1), Step R to right(2), Step L beside R(&)
3-4&Step R back(3), Step L to left(4), Step R beside L(&)
5&6Step L to left(5), Cross R over L(&), Point L to left(6)
&7-8&Step L behind R(&), Turning ¼ right, step R forward(7), Lock L behind R(8), Step R forward(&) (3.00)
[9-16] Repeat 1-8
1-2&Step L forward(1), Step R to right(2), Step L beside R(&)
3-4&Step R back(3), Step L to left(4), Step R beside L(&)
5&6Step L to left(5), Cross R over L(&), Point L to left(6)
&7-8&Step L behind R(&), Turning ¼ right, step R forward(7), Lock L behind R(8), Step R forward(&) (6.00)
[17-24] ¼ pivot cross, Side back rock, ¼ skate skate (2x)
1-2&Step L forward(1), turn ¼ right, shifting weight onto R(2), Cross L over R(&) (9.00)
3-4&Step R to right(3), rock L behind R(4), recover weight onto R(&)
5-6Turning ¼ left skate forward L(5) R(6) (6.00)
7-8Turning ¼ left skate forward L(7) R(8) (3.00)
[25-32] Lunge recover side, Lunge recover ¼ step, Step sweep (L&R), Cross rock, Side rock
1-2&Lunge L over R(1), recover weight onto R(2), Step L to left(&)
3-4&Lunge R over L(3), recover weight onto L(4), Turning ¼ right, step R forward(&) (6.00)
5&6&Step L forward(5), sweep R from back to front(&), step R forward(6), sweep L from back to front(&)
7&8&Cross rock L over R(7), recover weight onto R(&), Rock L to left(8), recover weight onto R(&)
Start again
Tag 1: 2 counts (Sway left and right) to be inserted at the end of wall 3 (facing 6.00)
Tag 2: Hold for one count at the end of wall 4 as the music pauses (start lifting both hands on the side rock on count 32& to cross over the head on the extra count).
Put hands down and Restart.
Contact Yu Puay: yeoyp95@gmail.com
[1-8] Rumba Box, Side cross point, Behind ¼ Step, Step Lock
1-2&Step L forward(1), Step R to right(2), Step L beside R(&)
3-4&Step R back(3), Step L to left(4), Step R beside L(&)
5&6Step L to left(5), Cross R over L(&), Point L to left(6)
&7-8&Step L behind R(&), Turning ¼ right, step R forward(7), Lock L behind R(8), Step R forward(&) (3.00)
[9-16] Repeat 1-8
1-2&Step L forward(1), Step R to right(2), Step L beside R(&)
3-4&Step R back(3), Step L to left(4), Step R beside L(&)
5&6Step L to left(5), Cross R over L(&), Point L to left(6)
&7-8&Step L behind R(&), Turning ¼ right, step R forward(7), Lock L behind R(8), Step R forward(&) (6.00)
[17-24] ¼ pivot cross, Side back rock, ¼ skate skate (2x)
1-2&Step L forward(1), turn ¼ right, shifting weight onto R(2), Cross L over R(&) (9.00)
3-4&Step R to right(3), rock L behind R(4), recover weight onto R(&)
5-6Turning ¼ left skate forward L(5) R(6) (6.00)
7-8Turning ¼ left skate forward L(7) R(8) (3.00)
[25-32] Lunge recover side, Lunge recover ¼ step, Step sweep (L&R), Cross rock, Side rock
1-2&Lunge L over R(1), recover weight onto R(2), Step L to left(&)
3-4&Lunge R over L(3), recover weight onto L(4), Turning ¼ right, step R forward(&) (6.00)
5&6&Step L forward(5), sweep R from back to front(&), step R forward(6), sweep L from back to front(&)
7&8&Cross rock L over R(7), recover weight onto R(&), Rock L to left(8), recover weight onto R(&)
Start again
Tag 1: 2 counts (Sway left and right) to be inserted at the end of wall 3 (facing 6.00)
Tag 2: Hold for one count at the end of wall 4 as the music pauses (start lifting both hands on the side rock on count 32& to cross over the head on the extra count).
Put hands down and Restart.
Contact Yu Puay: yeoyp95@gmail.com