CopperKnob Stepsheets

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French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language


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Margrit Rettke (AUS) - November 2014
Marianne - Terry Gilkyson
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Intro: 16 Count (Start on Vocals)

(1-8) Heel R & L, toe R& L, cross shuffle, turn 1/4 coaster left.
1&2&Touch R heel forward, step R next to L, touch L heel forward, step L next to R.
3&4Touch R toe to side, step R next to L, touch L toe to side.
5&6Step L over R, step R to side, step L over R.
7&8Step R to side, transfer weight to L turning 90º left, step R forward.

(9-18) Samba forwards L & R, vine left with1/4 turn left.
1&2Step L to left side, shift weight onto R, step L in front of R.
3&4Step R to right side, shift weight onto L, step R in front of L.
5-8Step L to left side, step R behind L, turning 90º left step L to side, step R next to L.

(19-26) Heel L & R, toe L& R, cross shuffle, turn 1/4 coaster right.
1&2&Touch L heel forward, step L next to R, touch R heel forward, step R next to L.
3&4Touch L toe to side, step L next to R, touch R toe to side.
5&6Step R over L, step L to side, step R over L.
7&8Step L to side, transfer weight to R turning 90º right, step L forward.

(27-32) Samba forwards L & R, vine right with1/4 turn right.
1&2Step R to side, shift weight onto L, step R in front of L.
3&4Step L to left side, shift weight onto R, step L in front of R.
5-8Step R to side, step L behind R, turning 90º right step R to side, step L next to R.

(33-40) Charleston R & L, pivot 1/2, shuffle forward.
1-4Touch R forward, swing/step R back, touch L back, swing/step L forward.
5,6Step R forward, transfer weight onto L while turning 180º to left.
7&8Step R forward, step L next to R, step R forward.

(41-48) Charleston L & R, pivot 1/2, shuffle forward.
1-4Touch L forward, swing/step L back, touch R back, swing/step R forward.
5,6Step L forward, transfer weight onto R while turning 180º to right.
7&8Step L forward, step R next to L, step L forward.

(49-56) Side touches R& L with claps, shuffle right, pivot 1/2
1-4Step R to side, touch L next to R, step L to side, touch R next to left.
5&6Step R to side, step L next to R, step R to side.
7,8Step L forward, transfer weight onto R while turning 180º to right.

(57- 64) Side touches L &R with claps, turning shuffle 1/4, heel R, and L
1-4Step L to side, touch R next to L, step R to side, touch L next to R.
5&6Step L to side, step R next to L turning 90º to left. step L to side.
7&8&Touch R heel forward, step R next to L, touch L heel forward, step L next to R.

Repeat Dance


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