前奏: Start 16 counts after she first starts talking.
第一段 |
1-2 |
1-2) Walk forward R, L. 1)右走步 2)左走步 |
3&4 |
3) Make a 1/4 turn L while lifting R foot and bumping hips to R and up.
&) Bump hips to center and L while touching R foot to R side; 4) Bump
hips to R and down into a sit position and take weight on R foot. (C bump) (facing 3)左轉90度右足抬起向右上擺臀 &)右足右點向左回到中間擺臀 4)以坐姿擺臀右足踏重心在右足(面向9點鐘) |
5-6 |
5) Make a 1/4 turn L stepping forward on L foot; 6) Make a 1/2 turn L
stepping back on R foot. 5)左轉90度左足前踏 6)左轉180度右足後踏 |
7&8 |
7) Make a 1/4 turn L stepping L foot to L side; &) Step R foot next
to L foot; 8) Make a 1/4 turn L stepping forward on L foot. (facing 7)左轉90度左足左踏 &)右足併踏 8)左轉90度左足前踏(面向6點鐘) |
第二段 |
1&2 |
1) Rock forward onto R foot; &) Recover weight to L foot; 2) Make a
1/4 turn R stepping R foot to R side. 1)右足前下沉 &)左足回復 2)右轉90度右足右踏 |
3-4 |
3) Step L foot across and in front of R foot; 4) Make a 1/4 turn L
stepping back on R foot. 3)左足於右足前交叉踏 4)左轉90度右足後踏 |
5&6 |
5) Make a 1/2 turn L stepping forward on L foot; &) Make a 1/4 turn
L stepping R foot a small step to R side; 6) Step L foot across and in front
of R foot. (facing 5)左轉90度左足前踏 &)左轉90度右足右一小步 6)左足於右足前交叉踏(面向9點鐘) |
7-8 |
7) Step R foot, a big step to R side; 8) Step L foot next to R foot. 7)右足右一大步 8)左足併踏 |
第三段 |
1-2 |
1) Step R foot across and in front of L foot; 2) Make a 1/4 turn R
stepping back on L foot. 1)右足於左足前交叉踏 2)右轉90度左足後踏 |
3&4 |
3) Step back on R foot; &) Step L foot next to R foot; 4) Make a 1/4
turn R stepping R foot to R side. 3)右足後踏 &)左足併踏 4)右轉90度右足右踏 |
5-6 |
5) Step forward on L foot; 6) Make a 1/2 turn R stepping R foot to R
side. (Hinge Turn) (facing 5)左足前踏 6)右轉180度右足右踏(面向9點鐘) |
7-8 |
7) Step forward and out to L side on L foot; 8) Step forward and out to
R side on R foot. (Put some attitude in these steps maybe shaking hips while
doing the two steps. Be creative.) 7)左足左前踏 8)右足右前踏 (像滑冰步, 記得擺臀, 活潑點) |
第四段 |
1&2 |
1) Rock L foot behind R foot; &) Recover to R foot; 2) Make a 1/ 1)左足於右足後下沉 &)右足回復 2)左轉90度左足前踏 |
3-4 |
3) Step forward on R foot; 4) Pivot 1/2 turn L taking weight on L foot. 3)右足前踏 4)左轉180度重心在左足 |
5-6 |
5) Step forward on R foot prepping for a R turn; 6) In a sit position
bring feet together and make a 1 1/4 turn to the R. (weight on L) (facing 3 O’clock) 5)右足前踏準備右轉 6)以坐姿雙足合併右轉90度(重心在左足)(3點鐘) |
7-8 |
7) Come out of sit and step a small step forward on R foot; 8) Step a
small step forward on L foot. 7)右足前踏 8)左足前踏 |