High Intermediate
第一段 |
1 |
1) Step R foot a large step to R side. 1)右足右一大步 |
2&3 |
2) Step ball of L foot behind R foot; &) Step R foot across and in
front of L foot; 3) Make a 1/4 turn L stepping forward on L foot. (facing 2)左足於右足後踏 &)右足於左足前交叉踏 3)左轉90度左足前踏(面向9點鐘) |
4&5 |
4) Make a 1/2 turn L stepping back on R foot; &) Make a 1/2 turn L
stepping forward on L foot; 5) Step forward on R foot. 4)左轉180度右足後踏 &)左轉180度左足前踏 5)右足前踏 |
6,7 |
6) Make a 1/2 Turn L stepping L foot next to R foot; 7) Step forward on
R foot. 6)左轉180度左足併踏 7)右足前踏 |
第二段 |
8&1 |
8) Step L foot forward; &) Pivot 3/4 turn R (weight on R); 1) Point
L foot to L side. 8)左足前踏 &)右轉270度重心在右足 1)左足左點 |
2,3 |
2) Point L foot across and in front of R foot; 3) Step L foot a large step
to L side. 2)左足於右足前交叉點 3)左足左一大步 |
4&5 |
4) Step ball of R foot behind L foot; &) Step L foot across and in
front of R foot; 5) Step R foot a large step to R side. 4)右足於左足後踏 &)左足於右足前交叉踏 5)右足右一大步 |
6,7 |
6) Make a 1/4 turn R stepping forward on L foot; 7) Step forward on R
foot. (facing 6)右轉90度左足前踏 7)右足前踏(面向3點鐘) |
8&1 |
8) Pivot 1/2 turn L (weight on L); &) Make a1/2 turn L stepping back
on R foot; 1) Step back on L foot. 8)左轉180度重心在左足 7)左轉180度右足後踏 1)左足後踏 |
第三段 |
2&3 |
2&3) Coaster step R-L-R. 2&3)海岸步-右, 左, 右 |
4&5 |
4) Make a 1/2 turn R stepping back on L foot; &) Make a 1/4 turn R
stepping R foot to R side; 5) Step L foot across and in front of R foot (facing 4)右轉180度左足後踏 &)右轉90度右足右踏 5)左足於右足前交叉踏(面向12點鐘) |
6,7 |
6) Unwind 1 full turn to R taking weight on R foot; 7) Step L foot a
large step to L side. 6)右繞轉一圈重心在右足 7)左足左一大步 |
8&1 |
8) Step R foot behind L foot; &) Make a 1/4 turn L stepping forward
on L foot; 1) step forward on R foot. (facing 8)右足於左足後踏 &)左轉90度左足前踏 1)右足前踏(面向9點鐘) |
第四段 |
&2&3 |
&) Rock forward onto L foot; 2) Recover to R foot; &) Step back
on L foot; 3) Make a 1/2 turn R stepping forward on R foot. &)左足前下沉 2)右足回復 &)左足後踏 3)右轉180度右足前踏 |
4,5 |
4) Make a 1/2 turn R stepping back on L foot; 5) Make a 1/4 turn R stepping
R foot a large step to R side. 4)右轉180度左足後踏 5)右轉90度右足右一大步 |
6&7 |
6) Step ball of L foot behind R foot; &) Step R foot across and in
front of L foot; 7) Make a 1/4 turn L stepping forward on L foot. (facing 6)左足於右足後踏 &)右足於左足前交叉踏 7)左轉90度左足前踏(面向9點鐘) |
8&a |
8) Make a 1/4 turn L stepping back on R foot; &) Make a 1/2 turn L
stepping forward on L foot; a) Make a 1/4 turn L stepping into count 1. (facing 8)左轉90度右足後踏 &)左轉180度左足前踏 a)左轉90度接續第一拍(面向9點鐘) |