Improver Cha Cha
Intro: 32 counts
[1-9]: Step Forward, Step Rock Recover, Cha Cha Back, Step Rock Recover, Cha Cha Forward
1, 2, 3Step forward on right foot (1), step forward on left foot rocking forward (2), recover weight on right foot (3)
4&5Step left foot back (4), close right foot next to left (&), step left foot back (5)
6, 7Step back on right foot (6), recover weight on left foot (7)
8&9Step right foot forward (8), close left foot next to right (&), step right foot forward (9)
[10-17]: Step ½ Pivot Turn, Cha Cha Forward, Step ½ Pivot Turn, Cha Cha Forward
10, 11Step forward left foot (10), ½ turn over right shoulder placing weight on right foot (11)
12&13Step left foot forward (12), close right foot next to left (&), step left foot forward (13)
14, 15Step forward right foot (14), ½ turn over left shoulder placing weight on left foot (15)
16&17Step right foot forward (16), close left foot next to right (&), step right foot forward (17)
[18-25]: Side Rock Recover, Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock Recover, Behind, ¼ Turn, Step
18, 19Rock left to left side (18), recover weight onto right foot (19) *Figure of 8 hip action – left then right
20&21Step left foot behind right (20), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (21)
22, 23Rock right to right side (22), recover weight onto left foot (23) *Figure of 8 hip action – right then left
24&25Step right foot behind left (24), ¼ turn left stepping onto left foot (&), step forward right foot (25)
[26-32]: Walks Forward x2, Cha Cha Forward, Step ½ Pivot Turn, Touch
26, 27Walk forward left (26), walk forward right (27)
28&29Step left foot forward (28), close right foot next to left (&), step left foot forward (29)
30, 31Step right foot forward (30), ½ turn over left shoulder placing weight on left foot (31)
32Touch right foot next to left keeping the weight on the left foot (32)
Contacts: paul.jc31@gmail.com - david.i.blakeley@googlemail.com
[1-9]: Step Forward, Step Rock Recover, Cha Cha Back, Step Rock Recover, Cha Cha Forward
1, 2, 3Step forward on right foot (1), step forward on left foot rocking forward (2), recover weight on right foot (3)
4&5Step left foot back (4), close right foot next to left (&), step left foot back (5)
6, 7Step back on right foot (6), recover weight on left foot (7)
8&9Step right foot forward (8), close left foot next to right (&), step right foot forward (9)
[10-17]: Step ½ Pivot Turn, Cha Cha Forward, Step ½ Pivot Turn, Cha Cha Forward
10, 11Step forward left foot (10), ½ turn over right shoulder placing weight on right foot (11)
12&13Step left foot forward (12), close right foot next to left (&), step left foot forward (13)
14, 15Step forward right foot (14), ½ turn over left shoulder placing weight on left foot (15)
16&17Step right foot forward (16), close left foot next to right (&), step right foot forward (17)
[18-25]: Side Rock Recover, Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock Recover, Behind, ¼ Turn, Step
18, 19Rock left to left side (18), recover weight onto right foot (19) *Figure of 8 hip action – left then right
20&21Step left foot behind right (20), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (21)
22, 23Rock right to right side (22), recover weight onto left foot (23) *Figure of 8 hip action – right then left
24&25Step right foot behind left (24), ¼ turn left stepping onto left foot (&), step forward right foot (25)
[26-32]: Walks Forward x2, Cha Cha Forward, Step ½ Pivot Turn, Touch
26, 27Walk forward left (26), walk forward right (27)
28&29Step left foot forward (28), close right foot next to left (&), step left foot forward (29)
30, 31Step right foot forward (30), ½ turn over left shoulder placing weight on left foot (31)
32Touch right foot next to left keeping the weight on the left foot (32)
Contacts: paul.jc31@gmail.com - david.i.blakeley@googlemail.com