Beginner / Improver
**Begin after 16 counts when Rick starts singing.**
1&2Step R fwrd, bring ball of L to heel of R, step R fwrd
3&4Step L fwrd, bring ball of R to heel of L, step L fwrd
5&6Touch R toe to R side, Flick R behind L (hitting toe with L hand ), Touch R to to R side
7&8¼ Turn to R stepping R fwrd, ½ Turn R Stepping L back, ¼ Turn R Stepping R to R (12:00)
SECTION 2: SCUFF, HIP Roll, Triple ¼ Turn, finish Jazz Box
1,2Scuff the heel of L fwrd and the out to L side taking weight on count 2
3&4Hips roll around to Right (3&) , Flick the R foot behind hitting with L hand
5&6Step R to R side, Close L to R, ¼ to R Stepping R fwrd (3:00)
7&8Cross L over R, Step R back, Step L to L side (3:00)
SECTION 3: Rock, Recover ¼ Turn, Crossing Triple – Repeat sequence
1&2Rock R fwrd, Recover to L, ¼ Turn to R taking weight to R side
3&4Cross L over R, R to R side, Cross L over R (start angling towards 9:00)
5&6Turn towards 9:00 with a R fwrd Rock, Recover to L, ¼ Turn to R Stepping R to R side
7&8Cross L over R, R to R side, Cross L over R (12:00)
SECTION 4: Side Rock, Recover, Cross - Repeat, STOMP HEEL Swivel, HIP BUMPs ¼ Turn
1&2Rock R to R side, Recover to L, Cross R over L
3&4Rock L to L side, Recover to R, Cross L over R
5&6Right foot stomps in front, Heels twist to R, Return to center taking weight to ball of L
7&8Small hips rolls (or bumps R-L-R) leave weight on the ball of L pushing through turn with ball of R
**There is a Bridge in the music, but continue the dance as is. After the 4count your 5678 of the last phrase will be the new 1234. NO TAGS/RESTARTS of the actual dance.**
Kristal Lynn Konzen, Kristal Lynn Dance, (805) 558-1550 - KristalLynnDance@gmail.com
Special thanks to Donna Manning for assistance with the StepSheet.
Last Update – 1st Feb 2015
1&2Step R fwrd, bring ball of L to heel of R, step R fwrd
3&4Step L fwrd, bring ball of R to heel of L, step L fwrd
5&6Touch R toe to R side, Flick R behind L (hitting toe with L hand ), Touch R to to R side
7&8¼ Turn to R stepping R fwrd, ½ Turn R Stepping L back, ¼ Turn R Stepping R to R (12:00)
SECTION 2: SCUFF, HIP Roll, Triple ¼ Turn, finish Jazz Box
1,2Scuff the heel of L fwrd and the out to L side taking weight on count 2
3&4Hips roll around to Right (3&) , Flick the R foot behind hitting with L hand
5&6Step R to R side, Close L to R, ¼ to R Stepping R fwrd (3:00)
7&8Cross L over R, Step R back, Step L to L side (3:00)
SECTION 3: Rock, Recover ¼ Turn, Crossing Triple – Repeat sequence
1&2Rock R fwrd, Recover to L, ¼ Turn to R taking weight to R side
3&4Cross L over R, R to R side, Cross L over R (start angling towards 9:00)
5&6Turn towards 9:00 with a R fwrd Rock, Recover to L, ¼ Turn to R Stepping R to R side
7&8Cross L over R, R to R side, Cross L over R (12:00)
SECTION 4: Side Rock, Recover, Cross - Repeat, STOMP HEEL Swivel, HIP BUMPs ¼ Turn
1&2Rock R to R side, Recover to L, Cross R over L
3&4Rock L to L side, Recover to R, Cross L over R
5&6Right foot stomps in front, Heels twist to R, Return to center taking weight to ball of L
7&8Small hips rolls (or bumps R-L-R) leave weight on the ball of L pushing through turn with ball of R
**There is a Bridge in the music, but continue the dance as is. After the 4count your 5678 of the last phrase will be the new 1234. NO TAGS/RESTARTS of the actual dance.**
Kristal Lynn Konzen, Kristal Lynn Dance, (805) 558-1550 - KristalLynnDance@gmail.com
Special thanks to Donna Manning for assistance with the StepSheet.
Last Update – 1st Feb 2015