CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Diamonds In The Sky

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Katie Terrett (WLS) - November 2014
Diamonds - Rihanna
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Intro: 16 Counts.

SECTION 1: Walk Forward (x2) Side Mambo. Repeat.
1-2Walk forward R, L.
3&4Side Rock R to R side, Together R next to L.
5-6Walk forward L, R.
7&8Side Rock L to L side, Together L next to R.

SECTION 2: Turning Diamond shape box with syncopated Back Rocks.
1-2&Turn 1/8 L Side R. Back Rock L, recover R (&) facing L diagonal.
3-4&Turn ¼ L, Side L, Back Rock R, recover L (&) Turning ¼ L.
5-6&Side R. Back Rock L, recover R (&) Turn ¼ L.
7-8Side L. Together R next to L. (3.00)

SECTION 3: Lock Steps, Forward Rock.
1&2Step L forward, Lock R behind L, Step L forward. (3.00)
3-4Step R forward, Lock L behind R.
5&6Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward.
7-8Forward Rock L, recover R.

SECTION 4: Sailor ½ Turn. Forward Rock, Side Rock, Behind, Side, Cross. Turn ¼ Back Lock Back.
1&2L Sailor ½ Turn L. (9.00)
3&4&Forward Rock R, recover L, Side Rock R, recover L.
5&6Cross R behind L, side L, cross R in front of L.
7&8Turn ¼ R stepping back L, Lock R in front of L, step L back. (12.00)

SECTION 5: Turn ½ Shuffle. Point Sweep, Sailor Step. Kick Ball Change.
1&2Turn ½ R Shuffling R,L,R. (6.00)
3-4Point L forward, Sweep L around (ronde)
5&6L Sailor Step forward.
7&8R Kick ball change.

SECTION 6: Step ¼ Turn Cross. Hinge ½ Turn, Cross Shuffle. Scissor Cross.
1&2Step R ¼ Turn L, Cross R. (3.00)
3-4Turn ¼ R stepping back L, Turn ¼ R stepping R to side (9.00)
5&6L Cross Shuffle.
7&8R Scissor Step- Side R, Close L, Cross R.

SECTION 7: Heel Ball Cross, Hinge ½ Turn, Back Mambo. Full Turn.
1&2Touch L Heel, Ball L, Cross R.
3-4Turn ¼ R stepping back L, Turn ¼ R stepping R to side (3.00)
5&6Back Rock L, recover R, Step L forward.
7&8Triple Full Turn L. (R,L,R) or R Shuffle.

SECTION 8: Forward Rock, Coaster Step. Point Flick Turn ¼. Cross ¾ Turn, Close.
1-2Forward Rock L, recover R.
3&4L Coaster Step.
5-6Point R forward, Flick R to the side turning ¼ L. (12.00)
7&8&Cross R, Turn ¼ R stepping back L, Turn ½ R stepping R forward. Close L next to R (&) Weight on L. (9.00) Start Again...(Walk, Walk)

RESTARTS: Walls 3 & 5.
Wall 3 - End of Section 6. Count 48. Replace cross R with touch R.
Wall 5 - End of Section 2. Restart after count 16. Replace close with touch R.

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