Intro - 20 Counts
Section 1: Rumba box forward, Rumba box back. Rumba box back, Rumba box forward.
1 &2Step Right to Right side. Step Left beside Right. Step forward on Right
3 & 4Step Left to Left side. Step Right beside Left. Step back on Left
5 & 6Step Right to Right side. Step Left beside Right. Step back on Right
7 & 8Step Left to Left side. Step Right beside Left. Step forward on Left
Section 2 : Right Step lock step, Step ½ turn step. Right & Left scissor steps
1 & 2Step Right foot forward, step left behind right, step forward on right
3 & 4Step Forward on left make ½ Turn right stepping forward right, step left forward.
5 & 6Step Right to the side step left beside right, cross right over left.
7 & 8Step left to the side step right beside left, cross left over right.
Section 3: Chug 1/4 turn left, Chug 1/4 turn left, cross & point, Chug 1/4 turn right, Chug 1/4 turn right, cross & point.
1 – 4Step forward right pivot ¼ turn left, Step forward right pivot ¼ left, cross right over left, point left to the side.
5 – 8Step forward left pivot ¼ turn right, Step forward left pivot ¼ right, cross left over right, point right to the side.
Section 4: Right sailor step, Left sailor step, unwind ½ turn kick ball touch.
1 & 2Cross right behind left, step left to side, step right to side
3&4Cross left behind right, step right to side, step left to side
5-6Touch right toe behind left, unwind a ½ turn right
7&8Kick left Forward, step down on left, touch right beside left.
*Restart here on wall 1*
Section 5: Right Step lock, step lock step. Rock recover coaster step
1 – 2Step right forward step left behind right
3 & 4Step right forward step left behind right step forward
5 – 6Rock forward on left recover on right
7 & 8Step back on left step right beside right step forward on left
*Restart here on wall 3*
Section 6 : Step ¼ left cross & cross, Side rock recover cross touch.
1 – 2Step forward right pivot ¼ turn right,
3 & 4Cross right over left step left to the side cross left over right.
5 - 8Rock left to the side recover on right cross left over right touch right beside left.
Restarts: -
Wall 1 end of section 4 (Count 32) facing 12 o’clock
Wall 3 end of section 5 (Count 40) facing 9 o’clock
Ending Dance up to step 4 section 4, then Touch unwind full turn, kick ball step.
Contact: eddie@alfordinline.co.uk
Section 1: Rumba box forward, Rumba box back. Rumba box back, Rumba box forward.
1 &2Step Right to Right side. Step Left beside Right. Step forward on Right
3 & 4Step Left to Left side. Step Right beside Left. Step back on Left
5 & 6Step Right to Right side. Step Left beside Right. Step back on Right
7 & 8Step Left to Left side. Step Right beside Left. Step forward on Left
Section 2 : Right Step lock step, Step ½ turn step. Right & Left scissor steps
1 & 2Step Right foot forward, step left behind right, step forward on right
3 & 4Step Forward on left make ½ Turn right stepping forward right, step left forward.
5 & 6Step Right to the side step left beside right, cross right over left.
7 & 8Step left to the side step right beside left, cross left over right.
Section 3: Chug 1/4 turn left, Chug 1/4 turn left, cross & point, Chug 1/4 turn right, Chug 1/4 turn right, cross & point.
1 – 4Step forward right pivot ¼ turn left, Step forward right pivot ¼ left, cross right over left, point left to the side.
5 – 8Step forward left pivot ¼ turn right, Step forward left pivot ¼ right, cross left over right, point right to the side.
Section 4: Right sailor step, Left sailor step, unwind ½ turn kick ball touch.
1 & 2Cross right behind left, step left to side, step right to side
3&4Cross left behind right, step right to side, step left to side
5-6Touch right toe behind left, unwind a ½ turn right
7&8Kick left Forward, step down on left, touch right beside left.
*Restart here on wall 1*
Section 5: Right Step lock, step lock step. Rock recover coaster step
1 – 2Step right forward step left behind right
3 & 4Step right forward step left behind right step forward
5 – 6Rock forward on left recover on right
7 & 8Step back on left step right beside right step forward on left
*Restart here on wall 3*
Section 6 : Step ¼ left cross & cross, Side rock recover cross touch.
1 – 2Step forward right pivot ¼ turn right,
3 & 4Cross right over left step left to the side cross left over right.
5 - 8Rock left to the side recover on right cross left over right touch right beside left.
Restarts: -
Wall 1 end of section 4 (Count 32) facing 12 o’clock
Wall 3 end of section 5 (Count 40) facing 9 o’clock
Ending Dance up to step 4 section 4, then Touch unwind full turn, kick ball step.
Contact: eddie@alfordinline.co.uk