Easy Intermediate
#32 Count Intro. (No tags No Restarts)
Section 1, Cross Right ,hold, Cross left, Hold, 3 prissy walks, Hold.
1,2,3,4Cross Right over Left, turn body to Left, Hold for 1 count, Cross Left over Right, turn body to Right, Hold for 1 count,
5,6,7,8Walk forward, Cross Right over Left, Cross left over right, cross Right over Left, Hold. 1 count,
Section 2, Cross Left, Hold, Cross Right, Hold, 3 prissy walks, Hold.
1,2,3,4Cross Left over Right ,turn body to Right, Hold. 1 count, Cross Right over Left, turn body to Left, Hold .1 count,
5,6,7,8walk forward cross Left over Right, Cross Right over Left, cross Left over Right, Hold.[;[9 1 count,
Section 3, Chasse right, rock back, chasse Left, rock back,
1&2, 3,4Step Right to side, step Left to Right, step Right to side, rock Left behind Right, recover on Left,
5&6, 7,8Step Left to side, step Right to Left, step Left to side, rock Right behind Left, recover on Left,
Section 4, Syncopated weave to Right, cross Left behind right, unwind1/2 turn, & kick ball change
1,2,&3,4Step Right to side, step Left behind Right, & step Right to side, cross Left across Right, step Right to side,
5,6,7&8Cross Left behind right, unwind ½ turn to Left, kick Right forward, step Right next to Left, step Left in place,
Section 5, Repeat Section - 4) Syncopated weave Right, cross Left behind Right , unwind ½ turn , Right kick ball change,
Section 6, Kick forward , side, coaster step with Right & Left.
1,2,3&4Kick Right forward, kick Right to the side, step back on Right, step Left to Right, step Right in place,
5,6,7&8Kick left forward, kick Left to the side, step back on Left, step right to Left, step Left in place,
Section 7, Forward ¼ turn with touches, & side touches, ½ turn, & coaster step.
1,2,3,4Step forward Right with ¼ turn to Left, touch Left to Right, step Left to side , touch Right to Left,
5,6, 7&8Step forward Right, ½ turn to Left, sweep & step back on Left, step Right to Left, step Left forward,
Section 8, Repeat Section 6.
1,2,3&4,5,6, 7&8Kick forward ,side, &coaster step, with Right, then Left,
Section 9, Repeat Section 7,
1,2,3,4,5,6, 7&8forward ¼ turn, &touch, step Left, touch Right to Left, step ½ turn Left, & coaster step
Start again
Contact: charles.oliver29@yahoo.co.uk
Section 1, Cross Right ,hold, Cross left, Hold, 3 prissy walks, Hold.
1,2,3,4Cross Right over Left, turn body to Left, Hold for 1 count, Cross Left over Right, turn body to Right, Hold for 1 count,
5,6,7,8Walk forward, Cross Right over Left, Cross left over right, cross Right over Left, Hold. 1 count,
Section 2, Cross Left, Hold, Cross Right, Hold, 3 prissy walks, Hold.
1,2,3,4Cross Left over Right ,turn body to Right, Hold. 1 count, Cross Right over Left, turn body to Left, Hold .1 count,
5,6,7,8walk forward cross Left over Right, Cross Right over Left, cross Left over Right, Hold.[;[9 1 count,
Section 3, Chasse right, rock back, chasse Left, rock back,
1&2, 3,4Step Right to side, step Left to Right, step Right to side, rock Left behind Right, recover on Left,
5&6, 7,8Step Left to side, step Right to Left, step Left to side, rock Right behind Left, recover on Left,
Section 4, Syncopated weave to Right, cross Left behind right, unwind1/2 turn, & kick ball change
1,2,&3,4Step Right to side, step Left behind Right, & step Right to side, cross Left across Right, step Right to side,
5,6,7&8Cross Left behind right, unwind ½ turn to Left, kick Right forward, step Right next to Left, step Left in place,
Section 5, Repeat Section - 4) Syncopated weave Right, cross Left behind Right , unwind ½ turn , Right kick ball change,
Section 6, Kick forward , side, coaster step with Right & Left.
1,2,3&4Kick Right forward, kick Right to the side, step back on Right, step Left to Right, step Right in place,
5,6,7&8Kick left forward, kick Left to the side, step back on Left, step right to Left, step Left in place,
Section 7, Forward ¼ turn with touches, & side touches, ½ turn, & coaster step.
1,2,3,4Step forward Right with ¼ turn to Left, touch Left to Right, step Left to side , touch Right to Left,
5,6, 7&8Step forward Right, ½ turn to Left, sweep & step back on Left, step Right to Left, step Left forward,
Section 8, Repeat Section 6.
1,2,3&4,5,6, 7&8Kick forward ,side, &coaster step, with Right, then Left,
Section 9, Repeat Section 7,
1,2,3,4,5,6, 7&8forward ¼ turn, &touch, step Left, touch Right to Left, step ½ turn Left, & coaster step
Start again
Contact: charles.oliver29@yahoo.co.uk