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I'm Feelin' Good

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Lynn Card (USA) - October 2014
Feelin' Good - Christina Grimmie
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Start dance on first vocal after 16 count intro

(1-8) Step, Kick, Step, Touch, Step Lock Step, Step, ½ Pivot Turn
1,2,3,4Step R forward, Kick L forward, Step L back, Touch R back
5&6,7,8Step R forward, Cross L behind R, Step R forward, Step L forward and pivot ½ turn to the right (6 o’clock), Step R forward

(9-16) Walk, Step ½ Pivot Left, Sweep, Sailor Step, Rock Step, Right Sailor Step, Cross Left Behind, Step Right
1,2,3&4Walk L forward, Step R forward and pivot ½ turn to the left (12 o’clock), Sweep L around to the left and step L back behind R, Step R to right side, Step L forward
5&6&7&8Rock R to right side, Recover L in place, Cross R behind L, Step L to left side, Step R to right side, Cross L behind R, Step R to right side

(17-24) Step, ¼ Turn Jazz Box to Right, Kick, Kick, Step, Step, Swivel, Swivel
1,2,3,4Step L forward, Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R forward while making ¼ turn to right
5&6&7&8Kick L forward low, Replace L next to R, Kick R forward low, Replace R next to left, Step L forward, Swivel heels left, Swivel heels to center

(25-32) Coaster Step, Kick, Ball, ¼ Pivot Turn to Left, Chugs 4x to Left Making ½ Turn
1&2,3&4Step L back, Step R back next to L, Step L forward, Kick R forward, Replace R next to L, Making a ¼ turn to the left step L forward (12 o’clock)
Restart here Wall 7 and Wall 11 facing 6 o’clock both restarts
5,6,7,8With weight on L, Chug R four times to the left making ½ turn (6 o’clock)
(add Right hip bumps as you chug for styling and attitude)

TAG 1: 8 Counts
After Wall 2, Walk Around 1 ½ Circles (start tag facing 12 o’clock and end facing 6 o’clock)
1,2,3,4Walk R, Walk L, Walk R, Walk L
5,6,7,8Walk R, Walk L, Walk R, Walk L

TAG 2: 16 Counts
During Wall 4 after 28 counts (start and end tag facing 12 o’clock - leave out the chugs)
(L will be slightly forward during the Tag)
Thigh Slaps, Hand Claps, Flat Hands, Fist Bumps, Thumb pumps over shoulder (hand jive styling)
1&2&Slap/brush both hands across both thighs to the back and then bring hands back across thighs to the front, Clap your hands together twice in front of you
3&4&With flat hands and palms down, Cross R hand over L twice, Cross L hand over R twice
5&6&Bump fists together R over L twice, Bump fists together L over R twice
7&8&Pump R thumb over R shoulder twice, Pump L thumb over L shoulder twice

Knee Bends, Rocking Chair
1&2&Bend R knee forward and straighten L knee, Hold, Bend L knee forward and straighten R knee, Hold
3&4Bend knees forward and back R, L, R, Hold
(for styling add respective shoulders either up and down or forward and back)
5,6,7,8Rock R forward, Recover L in place, Rock R back, Recover L in place

TAG 3: 8 Counts, Repeat Tag 1
After Wall 5 walk around in 1 ½ circles to the left (start tag facing 6 o’clock and end facing 12 o’clock)
1,2,3,4Walk R, Walk L, Walk R, Walk L
5,6,7,8Walk R, Walk L, Walk R, Walk L

TAG 4: 4 Counts
During Wall 9 after 16 counts, Walk Around one full circle to the left (starting at 12 o’clock and ending at 12 o’clock)
Suggest both arms stretched out to the side palm up
1,2,3,4Walk L, Walk R, Walk L, Touch R next to L

Tag 5: 5 Counts, The Ending
Wall 13 after 28 counts, facing 12 o’clock
Wrap R over L, Full Turn Unwind, Head Nod (Thumbs Up optional)
1,2,3,4Cross(wrap) R over L, Turn and unwind to the left a full turn (12 o’clock)
5Head nod and both thumbs up on final word “Yeah”
(The final count can be personalized, make it your own, throw your head back instead of nod, put both thumbs up at same time of nod(optional) But the “yea” is subtle. Have fun and you’ll be “feelin’ good”)

Lynncard28 on YouTube
Lynn Card on Facebook - 612.865.4481

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