Intermediate / Advanced
前奏: 16 count
intro (Start on “dance”)
第一段 |
Skate, Skate, Side
Together Side, Cross Rock Side, Chug 1/8, Chug 1/8 |
1 |
Keeping knees slightly bent bring Right foot beside left foot while
pivoting right on left foot to face 1:00 and step Right forward (Right skate) 右足膝略彎併踏, 右足轉向1點方向前踏(右足滑冰步) |
2 |
Keeping knees slightly bent bring Left foot beside right foot while
pivoting left on right foot to face 11:00 and step Left forward (Left skate) 左足膝略彎併踏, 左右足轉向11點方向前踏(左足滑冰步) |
3&4 |
Step Right to right side, & Step Left next to right, Step Right to
right side 右足右踏,
左足併踏, 右足右踏 |
5&6 |
Cross Rock Left over right, & Recover in place on Right, Step Left
to left side 左足於右足前交叉下沉, 右足回復, 左足左踏 |
7-8 |
Keeping feet shoulder width apart chug Right foot/heel two times to make
1/4 turn left (9:00) (腳與肩同寬)僵屍跳兩次, 每次各轉45度(面向9點鐘) |
第二段 |
Cross, Back, Glide Turn
Side, Touch Out Out, Push, Push |
1-2 |
Step Right across in front of left, Step Left back (push hips back for
styling) 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足後踏(後推臀) |
3&4 |
Opening body to 10:30 diagonal step Right large step toward 1:30
diagonal, & (Sliding Left foot on floor) Touch left toe next to right foot
(start turning toward 12:00 with this touch), Turn to face 12:00 to step Left
to left side (12:00) (身體面向10:30)右足面向1:30斜角右大步, 左足滑併點, 轉正左足左踏 |
5&6 |
Turning hips toward 10:30 diagonal Touch Right next to left, &
Squaring up to 12:00 step Right to right side, Step Left to left side 轉臀面向10:30右足併點, 轉正右足右踏, 左足左踏 |
&7&8 |
&Shrug both shoulders up as you turn torso toward 10:30, Push
shoulders down with Right arm straight down in front of body and Left arm
straight down behind body, & Shrug both shoulders up as you turn torso
toward 1:30, Push shoulders down with Left arm straight down in front of body
and Right arm straight down behind body 擺動雙肩轉動身驅面向10:30, 右手在身體前伸向下左手伸向身體後, 擺動雙肩轉動身驅面向1:30, 左手在身體前伸向下右手伸向身體後 |
第三段 |
In, Quarter, Bend, Up,
Pop, Pop, Walk, Walk |
1-2 |
Bring Left leg next to right (Left knee popped forward, Right leg
straight), 1/4 turn left keeping Left next to right (9:00) 左足併點(左膝前彈, 右腳伸直), 左轉90度左足併點(面向9點鐘) |
3-4 |
Bend Right down (you are in a sitting position), Straighten Right (left
knee still popped forward) 彎右膝呈坐姿, 右腳伸直左膝前彈 |
5-6 |
Straighten Left leg while popping Right knee forward, Straighten Right
leg while popping Left knee forward (weight on right) 左腳伸直右膝前彈, 右腳伸直左膝前彈(重心在右足) |
7-8 |
Step forward Left, Step forward Right 左足前踏, 右足前踏 |
第四段 |
Step Pivot, Step Pivot,
Touch & Touch, Pop Walk, Pop Walk |
1-2 |
Step Left forward, Pivot 1/2 turn right (3:00) 左足前踏, 右軸轉180度(面向3點鐘) |
3-4 |
Step Left forward, Pivot 1/2 turn right (9:00) 左足前踏, 右軸轉180度(面向9點鐘) |
5&6 |
Touch Left to left side, & Step Left next to right, Touch Right to right
side 左足左點,
左足併踏, 右足右點 |
7 |
Step forward on Right (as you do so, close left to right popping left
knee forward) 右足前踏(左足併踏左膝前彈) |
8 |
Step forward on Left (as you do so, close right to left
popping right knee forward) 左足前踏(右足併踏右膝前彈) |