#16 Count intro,
Section 1. Mambo Right & Left, then Volta ½ turn
1&2, 3&4Rock out Right, recover on Left, step Right to left, Rock out Left, recover on Right, step Left to right,
5&6&7&8turn 1/8 to Right step forward on Right, step Left Behind Right, repeat 3 more times, complete ½ turn, (6 o'clock)
Section 2, Mambo left & Right, then Volta ½ turn Left,
1&2, 3&4Rock Left out to side, recover on Right, step Left to Right, Rock Right out to side, recover on Left, step Right to Left,
5&6&7&8Turn 1/8 to Left, step forward Left, step Right behind Left, repeat 3 more times to complete1/2 turn (12 o'clock)
Section 3, Rumba boxes with ¼ turns,
1&2, 3&4Step Right to side, step Left to Right, step back Right, step Left to side, step Right to Left, ¼ turn ,step forward Left,
5&6&7&8Step Right to side, step Left to Right, step back on Right, step Left to side, step Right to Left, ¼ turn, step forward on Left, (6 o'clock)
Section 4, Diagonal lock steps Right & Left,
1,2 3&4Step forward dia. On Right, step Left behind Right, step forward right, step Left behind Right, step forward Right,
5,6, 7&8Step dia Forward Left onto Left, step Right behind Left, step forward Left, step Right behind Left, step Left forward, (6'oclock)
Start again
Re-start on Wall 5, After section 3
Contact: charles.oliver29@yahoo.co.uk
Section 1. Mambo Right & Left, then Volta ½ turn
1&2, 3&4Rock out Right, recover on Left, step Right to left, Rock out Left, recover on Right, step Left to right,
5&6&7&8turn 1/8 to Right step forward on Right, step Left Behind Right, repeat 3 more times, complete ½ turn, (6 o'clock)
Section 2, Mambo left & Right, then Volta ½ turn Left,
1&2, 3&4Rock Left out to side, recover on Right, step Left to Right, Rock Right out to side, recover on Left, step Right to Left,
5&6&7&8Turn 1/8 to Left, step forward Left, step Right behind Left, repeat 3 more times to complete1/2 turn (12 o'clock)
Section 3, Rumba boxes with ¼ turns,
1&2, 3&4Step Right to side, step Left to Right, step back Right, step Left to side, step Right to Left, ¼ turn ,step forward Left,
5&6&7&8Step Right to side, step Left to Right, step back on Right, step Left to side, step Right to Left, ¼ turn, step forward on Left, (6 o'clock)
Section 4, Diagonal lock steps Right & Left,
1,2 3&4Step forward dia. On Right, step Left behind Right, step forward right, step Left behind Right, step forward Right,
5,6, 7&8Step dia Forward Left onto Left, step Right behind Left, step forward Left, step Right behind Left, step Left forward, (6'oclock)
Start again
Re-start on Wall 5, After section 3
Contact: charles.oliver29@yahoo.co.uk