CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Chas Oliver (UK) - June 2014
Ain't Nobody (Samba) - Ballroom Orchestra : (Album: Hits for Ballroom Dancing - iTunes)
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#32 Count intro.

Dance first 48 Counts, then just 16 Counts of wall 2, Restart again. on vocals.

Section 1. Right & Left Skates , with Forward shuffles.
1,2,3&4Skate Right, Skate Left, then Right Shuffle forward
5,6,7&8Skate Left, Skate right, then Left shuffle forward

Section 2. Forward rock shuffle ½ turn, cross side sailor step.
1,2,3&4Rock forward on Right, recover on Left, Shuffle ½ turn Right.
5,6,7&8Cross Left over Right, step Right to side, then (sailor) Left behind Right, Right to side, Left next to Right.

Section 3. Vaudeville steps, & cross side sailor turn
1&2&3&4(vaudeville) Cross Right over Left, step Left to side, and Dig Right heel Dia. Forward, bring Right to Left, Cross Left over Right, step Right to side, Then dig Left Dia. Forward .
&5,6,7&8Bring Left next to Right, cross Right over Left, step Left to side, make ¼ turn Right, cross Right behind Left, step Left to side, step forward Right. (sailor step)

Section 4. forward rock recover, coaster step. Forward rock recover shuffle ½ turn.
1,2,3&4Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, then (coaster step) step back Left, step Right next to Left, step forward Right.
5,6,7&8Rock forward Right, recover on Left, shuffle ½ turn Right, (r.l.r)

Section 5. Samba step, and Jazz box.
1&2&3&4(Samba ) Cross and tap Left dia. Forward, bring Left Dia. Back and tap, cross and tap Left dia. Forward, bring Left Dia. Back and tap.
5,6,7,8( jazz box) Cross Left over Right, step back on Right, step Left next to Right, tap Right next to Left.

Section 6. Samba steps and jazz box.
1&2&3&4(Samba) Cross and tap Right Dia. Forward , tap Right Dia. Back, tap right Dia. Forward, tap Right Dia. Back,
5,6,7,8(jazz box) Cross Right over Left, step back on Left,step Right to side, step Left forward.

Start Again.


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