Low Intermediate
Intro: 32 counts (start on vocals)
[1-8] Grapevine R, scuff L diagonal, crossing toe strut L, side toe strut R,
1-4Step R to right side, cross L behind R, step R to right side, scuff L diagonal right forward,
5-8Cross L toes over R, drop L heel taking weight, touch R toes to right side, drop R heel taking weight,
[9-16] Slow sailor step L, Kick R diagonal, behind, side, cross, hold
1-4Cross L behind R, Step R beside L, step L to left Side, kick R diagonal right forward,
5-8Cross R behind L, step L to left side, cross R over L, hold,
[17-24] Grapevine L, scuff R diagonal, crossing toe strut R, side toe strut L,
1-4Step L to left side, cross R behind L, step L to left side, scuff R diagonal left forward,
5-8Cross R toes over L, drop R heel taking weight, touch L toes to left side, drop L heel taking weight,
[25-32] Slow sailor step R, Kick L diagonal, behind, step forward ¼ turn R, step forward, hold,
1-4Cross R behind L, Step L beside R, step R to right Side, kick L diagonal left forward,
5-8Cross L behind R, ¼ turn right stepping R forward, step L forward, hold, (03:00)
Restart here during 4th wall facing 09:00 ( dance direction will change here )
[33-40] Mambo step R, hitch L, slow coaster step L, hitch R,
1-4Rock R forward, recover weight onto L, step R beside L, hitch L knee,
5-8Step L back, step R beside L, step L forward, hitch R knee moving forward onto L,
[41-48] Step forward R, hitch L, step forward L, hitch R, stomp R, ½ turn L with 3 heel bounces,
1-4Step R forward, hitch L knee moving forward onto R, Step L forward, hitch R knee moving forward onto L,
5-8Stomp R forward, ½ turn L when bouncing your heels 3 times up and down, (09:00)
[49-56] Grapvine R, stomp L, swivet ¼ turn R, 1/4 turn L back to center, swivet ¼ turn L, scuff,
1-4Step R to right side, cross L behind R, step R to right side, stomp L beside R
5-6Swivet toes to right (weight on L toes and R heel turning ¼ turn right), swivet ¼ turn L back to center,
7-8Swivet toes to left (weight on R toes and L heel turning ¼ turn left), scuff R forward (06:00)
[57-64] Stomp R hold, stomp L hold, slap hands on hips back & forward, clap hands 2x.
1-4Stomp R to right side, hold, stomp L to left side, hold (feet shoulder width apart)
5-6Slap hands on hips moving hands from front to back, slap hands on hips moving hands from back to front
7-8Clap hands 2 times at shoulder height.
Contact: http://www.bastiaanvanleeuwen.be
[1-8] Grapevine R, scuff L diagonal, crossing toe strut L, side toe strut R,
1-4Step R to right side, cross L behind R, step R to right side, scuff L diagonal right forward,
5-8Cross L toes over R, drop L heel taking weight, touch R toes to right side, drop R heel taking weight,
[9-16] Slow sailor step L, Kick R diagonal, behind, side, cross, hold
1-4Cross L behind R, Step R beside L, step L to left Side, kick R diagonal right forward,
5-8Cross R behind L, step L to left side, cross R over L, hold,
[17-24] Grapevine L, scuff R diagonal, crossing toe strut R, side toe strut L,
1-4Step L to left side, cross R behind L, step L to left side, scuff R diagonal left forward,
5-8Cross R toes over L, drop R heel taking weight, touch L toes to left side, drop L heel taking weight,
[25-32] Slow sailor step R, Kick L diagonal, behind, step forward ¼ turn R, step forward, hold,
1-4Cross R behind L, Step L beside R, step R to right Side, kick L diagonal left forward,
5-8Cross L behind R, ¼ turn right stepping R forward, step L forward, hold, (03:00)
Restart here during 4th wall facing 09:00 ( dance direction will change here )
[33-40] Mambo step R, hitch L, slow coaster step L, hitch R,
1-4Rock R forward, recover weight onto L, step R beside L, hitch L knee,
5-8Step L back, step R beside L, step L forward, hitch R knee moving forward onto L,
[41-48] Step forward R, hitch L, step forward L, hitch R, stomp R, ½ turn L with 3 heel bounces,
1-4Step R forward, hitch L knee moving forward onto R, Step L forward, hitch R knee moving forward onto L,
5-8Stomp R forward, ½ turn L when bouncing your heels 3 times up and down, (09:00)
[49-56] Grapvine R, stomp L, swivet ¼ turn R, 1/4 turn L back to center, swivet ¼ turn L, scuff,
1-4Step R to right side, cross L behind R, step R to right side, stomp L beside R
5-6Swivet toes to right (weight on L toes and R heel turning ¼ turn right), swivet ¼ turn L back to center,
7-8Swivet toes to left (weight on R toes and L heel turning ¼ turn left), scuff R forward (06:00)
[57-64] Stomp R hold, stomp L hold, slap hands on hips back & forward, clap hands 2x.
1-4Stomp R to right side, hold, stomp L to left side, hold (feet shoulder width apart)
5-6Slap hands on hips moving hands from front to back, slap hands on hips moving hands from back to front
7-8Clap hands 2 times at shoulder height.
Contact: http://www.bastiaanvanleeuwen.be