Move Like Jagger

Phrased Beginner
Melvin Tan (MY) - November 2011
Moves Like Jagger (feat. Christina Aguilera) - Maroon 5

Sequence : AABB, AABB, AA Tag BB

Section 1 : Step Side, Together 2x
1,2Step R to R, push both arms out slight diagonal to L (1), Step L next to R, arms at the waist (2)
3,4Repeat step 1,2
5,6Step L to L, push both arms out slight diagonal to R (5), Step R next to L, arms down at the waist (6)
7,8Repeat step 5,6

Section 2 : Walk 3x, Kick, Step, ½ Turn, ½ Turn, Touch
1,2,3Walk forward RLR
4,5Kick L forward, Step L down
6,7Step R ½ to R, Step L back ½ to R
8Touch R next to L

Section 3 : Monterey ½ Turn, Jazz Box
1,2Point R toe to R, Turn ½ R closing R next to L (6:00)
3,4Point L toe to L, Step down L next to R
5,6Cross R over L, Step back on L
7,8Step R on R, Cross L over R

Section 4 : Look Back, Slap Butt 2x, Hip Roll
1,2Looking back over R shoulder, Slap butt with R hand (1), Hold (2),
3,4Looking back over L shoulder, Slap butt with L hand (1), Hold (2),
5,6,7,8Hip Roll from L to R

Section 5 : Jagger Walk Forward 4x, Step Touch 2x
1-4Walk RLRL (Styling: Jagger walk : drop right shoulder with each walk step)
5,6Step R to R, Touch L behind R (Styling : shoulder seesaw)
7,8Step L to L, Touch R behind L (Styling : shoulder seesaw)

(Do this section for 2nd round of Part B)
(Section 5a : Walk backward 4x, Step Touch 2x)
1-4Walk backward RLRL
5,6Step R to R, Touch L behind R
7,8Step L to L, Touch R behind L )

Section 6 : Kick Ball Point 2x, Touch Full Turn Unwind, Touch
1&2Kick R leg. cross both arms out front (1), Step down on R (&), Point L to L, both arms down at side(2)
3&4Kick L leg. cross both arms out front (3), Step down on L (&), Point R to R, both arms down at side(4)
5Touch R behind L
6,7Full turn unwind to R
8Touch L to L (Styling : L arm extend straight out to L)

Section 7 : Arm Swings with hip bumps
1With L arm still extend straight out to L, circle R arm clockwise to 1:30
2Circle R arm anti-clockwise to 4:30
3Hook R arm close to body
4Throw R arm out to 4:30 again
5-8Repeat step 1-4

Section 8 : Step Touch 4x with Arms rolling
1,2Step L to L, Touch R next to L
3,4Step R to R, Touch L to R
5,6Step L to L, Touch R next to L
7,8Step R to R, Step L to R

Tag : (See Sequence)
1-4Pose, extending R arm out front moving from L to R

Enjoy ^^