Stop Believin'

Giles Redpath (UK) - June 2010
Don't Stop Believin' - Northern Allstars : (Album: Dance Party 2010)

Start 31 sec/ 64 beats on two strong drum beats.

Steps 21-23 Turns can be changed to walk forward Right, Left, step ¼ turn left

Side Rock, Cross shuffle, ½ turn, Shuffle.
1,2 Rock to Left and recover,
3&4 Cross Shuffle Left over Right,
5 Step Right to Right with a ¼ turn Left,
6 Complete ½ turn sweeping Left next to Right,
7&8 Right Shuffle forward,

Kick and kick, side rock, kick and kick, side rock,
9& Kick Left forward, place Left next to Right,
10 Kick Right forward,
11,12 Rock Right to side, recover,
13& Kick Right forward, place Right next to Left,
14 Kick Left forward,
15,16 Rock Left to side, recover,

Shuffle back, prepare rock, Turn 1¼, hook,
17&18 Left shuffle back,
19,20 Rock back on Right turning foot ¼ Right, rock forward on Left still in place,
21,22 Full Left turn forward Left over two steps (1/2 turn on each step),
23 Step Right foot forward turning ¼ Left,
24 Hook Left foot over Right Knee,

Chasse, sailor half turn, Left and Right Lock
25&26 Left Chasse,
27&28 Sailor half turn over Right shoulder,
29&30 Left lock Left forward,
31&32 Right lock Right forward.
