Christmas In Bethlehem
Jytte Stougaard (DK) - December 2007
Mary's Boy Child - Boney M.
Intro: 16 Count, Start On Vocal
Side together shuffle Forward
1-2-3&4 Step R To R side, step L to R, shuffle R L R forward
5-6-7&8 Step L to L side, step R to L, shuffle LRL forward
Skate R L, shuffle forward
1-2-3&4 Skate R, Skate L, shuffle RLR forward
5-6-7&8 Skate L, Skate R, shuffle LRL forward
Restart here on Wall 2
Step ½ turn L, Shuffle, Skate Skate Shuffle
1-2-3&4 Step forward on R, turn ½ turn L, shuffle RLR
5-6-7&8 Skate L Skate R, shuffle LRL
Two x 1/8 turn L, Jazz Box
1-2-3-4 Step forward on your R Food, turn 1/8 x 2
5-6-7-8 Jazz box, ending the weight on your L Foot
Begin again.
There are 4 Easy small Tags: Ends of:
The 1st wall (3 o’clock)
The 3rd Wall, (9 o’clock)
The 6th Wall (3 o’clock)
The 9th Wall (12 o’clock)
Four Sway Hips RLRL
On Wall 2, facing Back Wall ( 6 o’clock)
Dance the first 16 counts, and then Restart