Bachata Feeling
Patricia Soran (AUT)
STEP RIGHT SIDE, STEP LEFT TOGETHER, STEP RIGHT SIDE, TOUCH LEFT, STEP LEFT SIDE, RIGHT TOGETHER, STEP LEFT SIDE, TOUCH RIGHT1-2Step right side (hip left), close left to right (hip right)3-4Step right side (hip left), touch left toe near right (hip right)5-6Step left side (hip remains right), close right to left (hip left)7-8Step left side (hip right), touch right toe near left (hip left)2X STEP RIGHT & LEFT WITH 1/8 TURN RIGHT, ROCK FORWARD AND BACK RIGHT1-2Small step right back with 1/8 turn right (hip left), step left shoulder width apart to right (hip right)3-4Repeat counts 1-2 (now 3:00)5-6Step right forward (hip left), replace on left (hip right)7-8Step right back (hip left), replace on left (hip right) Option arms: put left hand on back of the head and right hand on right hip (ladies). Put both hands on back of the head (gentlemen)STEP RIGHT, FULL TURN RIGHT, LEFT TOGETHER, 2X ROCK STEP RIGHT DIAGONAL1-4Step right forward (count 1, get prepared for turn), full turn right on right ball (2-3), step left to right (4)5-6Step right diagonally right forward (hip left), replace on left (hip right)7-8Replace on right (hip left), replace on left (hip right) Option arms 5-8: raise arms angled and roll shoulders two times slightly forward and back, arms follow this movementSTEP RIGHT DIAGONAL FORWARD, LEFT TO RIGHT, RIGHT DIAGONAL FORWARD, TOUCH LEFT, LEFT DIAGONAL FORWARD, RIGHT TO LEFT, STEP LEFT WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT, TOUCH RIGHT1-2Step right in place (diagonally right forward, hip left), step left to right (hip right)3-4Step right diagonally right forward (hip left), touch left to right (hip right)5-6Step left diagonally left forward (hip right), step right to left (hip left)7-8Small step left back with ¼ turn right to 6:00 (hip right), touch right ball to left (hip left)2X STEP RIGHT SIDE & CROSS LEFT OVER RIGHT, FULL TURN RIGHT IN PLACE WITH STEP RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT1-2Step right to right side (hip left), cross left over right (hip right)3-4Repeat counts 1-25-8Full turn right in place with step right, left, right, left (hips opposite direction)2X CROSS RIGHT OVER LEFT & STEP LEFT SIDE, FULL TURN LEFT IN PLACE WITH STEP RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT1-2Cross right over left (hip left), step left side (hip right)3-4Repeat counts 1-25-8Full turn left in place with step right, left, right, left (hips opposite direction)SLOW STEP RIGHT & LEFT IN PLACE, SLOW STEPS WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT1-2Step right side on two counts (hip left) - start on in edge ball and roll slowly to flat3-4Step left in place (feet shoulder width apart) on two counts (hip right)5-8Step right side on two counts (hip left) with ¼ turn right (9:00)7-8Step left side (feet shoulder width apart, hip right) Option arms: swing both arms slightly to right (1-2), to left (3-4), right (5-6), left (7-8)2X STEP FORWARD RIGHT & LEFT, 2X STEP-TURN LEFT1-4Small step right forward, step left near right (feet shoulder width), step right forward, step left near right (hips opposite direction)5-6Step right forward (hip left), ½ turn left on right and step left in place (hip right)7-8Repeat counts 5-6REPEAT When danced to "Obsesion" by Aventura, Start on the very first beat! End 5th wall with Count 48 (6:00), then two "slow-steps" in place (two times Counts 49-52 = 8 Counts), and start from the top (Count 1). End 7th wall with Count 48 (9:00), then once "slow-steps" in place (once Counts 49-52 = 4 Counts), and start from the top Option for end: End 8th and last wall (6:00) with just one step-turn (Counts 61-62), that brings you to front wall (12:00), then two steps in place (Counts 63-64) and repeat Counts 1-8 till end of song (fade out)