Blue Prairie Tango (P)
Pauline O'Connor & Alec MacDonald
Cha Tango - Dave Sheriff
Position: closed Western Position, man facing ILOD Man steps described below. Lady's steps are in the opposite direction with the opposite foot unless shown otherwise 1-4Step left to the left, step right together, step left (large step) forward, touch right toe together5-8Step back (small steps) on right, left, right, touch together9-16Repeat steps 1-8 Raise man's left hand and drop right hand17-24MAN: Step left to left, step right behind, step left to the left, touch right together step right to right, step left behind right, step right to the right, touch left together LADY: Make a full rolling turn to the right on right, left, right, touch left together make a full rolling turn to the left on left, right, left, touch right together & making a ¼ turn to left (toward RLOD) Assume tango hold: man's left arm outstretched to left holding lady's right hand, other arm around partners back 25-31(With knees bent) step left forward, hold, step right forward, hold, step forward on left, right, left32Make a ½ turn to right and change arm positions to face LOD33-39(With knees bent) step right forward, hold, step left forward, hold, step forward on right, left, right40Make a ¼ turn left (ILOD) Assume Closed Western positionREPEAT