Broken Heart
One More Broken Hearted Man - Redfern & Crookes
1-2Right step to right side, clap hands once3-4Pivot ½ turn right and step left to left side, clap hands once5-6Pivot ½ turn right and step right to right side, clap hands once7-8Stomp left foot in place twice 9-10Left step to left side, clap hands once11-12Pivot ½ turn left and step right to right side, clap hands once13-14Pivot ½ turn left and step left to left side, clap hands once15-16Stomp right in place twice 17-18Right step to right side, left step behind right19-20Right step ¼ turn right, hitch left knee and scoot forward on right foot21-24Stomp forward left, right, left, hold for one count 25-28Right toe step back, snap heels down, left toe step back, left heel snap down29-32Right step back. Left step next to right, right step forward, hold for one count 33-36Step left, right, left, (turning ½ turn left), clap hands once37-40Right cross over left, left step back, right step next to left, hold for one count 41-42Left step diagonally forward left, touch right next to left and clap once43-44Right step diagonally forward right, left touch next to left and clap once45-46Repeat steps left step diagonally forward left, touch right next to left and clap once47-48Right step diagonally forward right, touch left next to right and clap once 49-52Left step diagonally back left, right cross over left, left step diagonally back left, hitch right knee53-56Right step diagonally back right, left cross over right, right step diagonally back right, hitch left knee 57-60Left step back, right step next to left, left step forward, hold for one count61-62Right step forward, pivot ¼ turn left, transfer weight to left63-64Stomp right foot in place and hold for one countREPEAT