Busted Attitude
My Give a Damn's Busted - Jo Dee Messina
STILLING WALK X3, SIDE STEP, 1 ½ TURN RIGHT, PRESS, SHOULDER BUMP1-2Step right forward, step left forward3Step right forward with the right hand up4Step left to left (with weight on both) with the right hand lowered to left5&1½ turn to the right by the right foot, step left next to right6Press right to right7-8Hold with shoulder bump 2 timesRECOVER, SYNCOPATED WEAVE, TOUCH, CROSS KICK, BALL CHANGE, SAILOR ½ TURN1-2Recover to left foot&3&Cross right behind left foot, step left to left, cross right in front of left foot4Touch left to left5&6Kick left to diagonally forward to the right, step left beside right, step right next to left7&8Making ½ turn left sweep left behind right, step right to right, step left to forwardHEEL SWITCH, HIP ROLL ½ TURN, TOE STRUT (WITH HIP PUSH)1&Touch right heel forward, step right beside left2&Touch left heel forward, step left beside right3Touch right ball forward&4½ turn left with hip roll, ending with weight on the left foot5-6Touch right toe forward with hip movement, drop right heel to the floor7-8Touch left toe forward with hip movement, drop left heel to the floorCROSS, SIDE, STEP, CROSS, TOUCH, SIDE BODY ROLL, STEP TOUCH, SIDE BODY ROLL, CROSS, ¾ UNWIND TURN FRICK, STEP1Cross right in front of left foot&Step left to left2Step right to right&Cross left in front of right foot3Touch right toe to right4Drop right heel to the floor with side body roll&Step left next to right5Touch right toe to right6Drop right heel to the floor with side body roll&Cross left in front of right foot7Making ¾ unwind turn right with flicking the left back8Step left forwardREPEATRESTART On wall 6 (facing 3:00) dance until beat 16, then restart On wall 9 (facing 9:00) dance until beat 16, then restart the dance