Catwalk 16
Pray for Love - Vanessa Amorosi
WALK, WALK, WALK, ½ TURN/TOUCH, ½ TURN, TOUCH, WALK, WALK1-2-3Walk forward right, left, right4Pivot ½ turn left on right foot & touch left toes forward with left knee bent - look straight ahead (pose!)5Step down on left turning ½ turn right (back to original wall)6Touch right toes forward with right knees bent - look straight ahead (pose!)7-8Walk forward right, leftROCK, RECOVER, STEP, ½ TURN, ½ TURN, STEP, COASTER STEP9-10Rock forward on right, recover on left11Step back on right12Pivot ½ turn left on right foot & step forward on left foot13Pivot ½ turn left on left foot & step back on right foot14Step back on left15&16Coaster back - right, left, rightSIDE, SAILOR STEP, BEHIND, SIDE, BEHIND, BALL CROSS17Step left to left side18&19Sailor step - right, left, right20-21-22Step left behind right, step right to right, step left behind left&23Step on ball of right, cross step left over rightSIDE, SAILOR STEP, BEHIND, SIDE, BEHIND, BALL CROSS24Step right to right side25&26Sailor step - left, right, left27-28-29Step right behind left, step left to left, step right behind right&30Step on ball of left, cross step right over left¼ TURN RIGHT, ¼ TURN RIGHT31Step left to left while turning body ¼ turn right (sitting back on left foot)32Pivot on ball of left ¼ turn right and step right to rightPOINT, TOUCH, SIDE STEP, TOUCH, ¼ TURN, TOUCH, STEP, ½ TURN RIGHT33-34Point left to left, touch left next to right35-36Step left to left, touch right next to left37-38Make ¼ turn right and touch right toes forward (knee bent), step right foot forward39&40Triple step ½ turn right - left, right, leftPOINT, TOUCH, SIDE STEP, TOUCH, ¼ TURN, TOUCH, STEP, ½ TURN LEFT41-42Point right to right, touch right next to left43-44Step right to right, touch left next to right45-46Make ¼ turn left and touch left toes forward (knee bent), step left foot forward47&48Triple step ½ turn left - right, left, rightSTEP BEHIND, CROSS TOUCH, STEP, ¼ TURN RIGHT, COASTER STEP, TOUCH, STEP49Step left behind right (turning body slightly to left)50-51Cross right over left touching right toes (knee bent), step right across left (turning body back to front)52Step left to left while turning body ¼ turn right (sitting back on left foot)53&54Coaster back - right, left, right55-56Touch left toes forward (knee bent), step left foot forwardTOUCH, STEP, KICK STEP TOUCH, ROCK, RECOVER, ½ TURN, ½ TURN57-58Touch right toes forward (knee bent), step right foot forward59&60Kick left foot forward, step in place on left, touch right toes next to left61-62Rock back on right, recover on left63Pivot ½ turn left on left foot & step back on right foot64Pivot ½ turn left on right foot & step forward on left footREPEAT In order to end the dance on the front wall, the last time you do counts 63 & 64 you substitute as follows:63Step right forward64Pivot ½ turn left with weight to your left foot Then step right forward on the final beat of the song as you raise your arms in the air.