Fishin' In the Dark - Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
1-2Step forward on right heel, slap right toes down3-4Step forward on left heel, slap left toes down5-8Repeat steps 1-4 9-10Step back on right foot, lock left in front of right11-12Step back on right foot, stomp left next to right13-14Swivel both heels to the left, swivel both toes to the left15-16Swivel both heels to the left, hold 17-18Swivel both heels to the right, swivel both toes o the right19-20Swivel both heels to the center, hold21-22Touch right heel forward, cross right foot in front of left leg23-24Touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left 25-28Repeat steps 21-24 but with the left heel forward29-30Step forward on left foot, kick right foot forward31-32Step back on right foot, touch left toe back 33-34Step forward on left foot, cross right over left35-36Unwind ½ turn left 37-40Step to left with left foot, cross right behind left, step to left with left foot, cross right over left foot41-44Cross left over right, step to right with right foot, cross left behind right45-46Step ½ turn right on right foot, scuff left forward and hitch47-48Stomp left down, holdREPEAT