Circle Of Life
Carolyn Robinson (USA)
The Circle Of Life - The Disney Stars
SECTION A STEP, TOGETHER, STEP, TOUCH WITH CLAP (RIGHT & LEFT)1-2Side step right, step left beside right3-4Side step right, touch left beside right & clap5-6Side step left, step right beside left7-8Side step left, touch right beside left & clapRIGHT HEEL TAPS FORWARD, TOE TAPS BEHIND, VINE RIGHT1-2Tap right heel forward twice3-4Tap right toe back twice5-6Side step right, step left slightly behind right7-8Side step right, touch left beside rightLEFT HEEL TAPS FORWARD, TOE TAPS BEHIND, VINE LEFT1-2Tap left heel forward twice3-4Tap left toe back twice5-6Side step left, step right slightly behind left7-8Side step left, touch right beside leftSIDE STEP, CLAP, TOUCH, CLAP (RIGHT & LEFT)1-2Side step right, clap3-4Touch left beside right, clap5-6Side step left, clap7-8Touch right beside left, clapSECTION B 360 TURN LEFT WITH ARMS1-2Pivot left foot, slide right foot to begin circle left Right foot moves ¼ turn. Move hips around to the left, raise arms above head and circle arms to the left3-8Repeat 1-2 three more timesSTEP SLIDES X 41-2Step left to back diagonal, slide right & touch3-4Step right to back diagonal, slide left & touch5-6Step left to back diagonal, slide right & touch7-8Step right to back diagonal, slide left & step downSMALL LEAPS FORWARD1-2Angle toward left diagonal, side step right, step left beside right3-8Repeat 1-2 three more times Use your arms to as an animal's paws to help show a leaping motionTOE HEEL STRUTS (MOVING RIGHT & FACING 12:00)1-2Side step right toe, slap right heel down3-4Cross step left toe, slap left heel down (in front of right)5-6Side step right toe, slap right heel down7-8Cross step left toe, slap left heel down (in front of right)RIGHT HITCH, LEFT HITCH, RIGHT HITCH TWICE1-2Hitch right foot right, step right3-4Hitch left foot left, step left5-6Hitch right foot right, touch right7-8Hitch right foot right, step rightLEFT HITCH, LEFT HITCH, LEFT H ITCH TWICE1-2Hitch left foot left, step left3-4Hitch right foot right, step right5-6Hitch left foot left, touch left7-8Hitch left foot left, step leftHALF TURN LEFT WITH ARMS1-2Pivot left foot, slide right foot to begin half circle left 1/8 turn Move hips around to the left. Raise arms above head and circle arms to the left3-8Repeat 1-2 three more times (6:00)STEP SLIDES X 41-2Step left to back diagonal, slide right & touch3-4Step right to back diagonal, slide left & touch5-6Step left to back diagonal, slide right & touch7-8Step right to back diagonal, slide left & step down Repeat one more time, then: STEP, TOGETHER, STEP, TOUCH WITH CLAP (RIGHT & LEFT)1-2Side step right, step left beside right3-4Side step right, touch left beside right & clap5-6Side step left, step right beside left7-8Side step left, touch right beside left & clapRIGHT HEEL TAPS FORWARD, TOE TAPS BEHIND, VINE RIGHT1-2Tap right heel forward twice3-4Tap right toe back twice5-6Side step right, step left slightly behind right7-8Side step right, touch left beside rightLEFT HEEL TAPS FORWARD, TOE TAPS BEHIND, VINE LEFT1-2Tap left heel forward twice3-4Tap left toe back twice5-6Side step left, step right slightly behind left7-8Side step left, touch right beside leftSIDE STEP, CLAP, TOUCH, CLAP (RIGHT & LEFT)1-2Side step right, clap3-4Touch left beside right, clap5-6Side step left, clap7-8Touch right beside left, clapSTEP, TOGETHER, STEP, TOUCH WITH CLAP (RIGHT & LEFT)1-2Side step right, step left beside right3-4Side step right, touch left beside right & clap5-6Side step left, step right beside left7-8Side step left, touch right beside left & clap