Cowboy 2000
Rick Yancey & Dianna Yancey
Get the Party Started - P!nk
RIGHT SIDE TOUCHES1-2Touch out right back to center3-4Touch out right back to center SIDE STEP VINE RIGHT5-6Step right, then slide left to right7-8Step right, then slide left to right touch left toeLEFT SIDE TOUCHES9-10Touch out left back to center11-12Touch out left back to centerSIDE STEP VINE LEFT13-14Step left, then slide right to left15-16Step left, then right to left touch right toeFORWARD STEP SLIDES17-18Step forward with right slide left to right foot19-20Step forward with right slide left to right and touch left toe21-22Step forward with left slide right to left foot23-24Step forward with left slide right to left and touch right toeSHUFFLES BACKWARDS25&26Shuffle right back27&28Shuffle left back29&30Shuffle right back31&32Shuffle left backSTOMP KICKS TURN33-34Stomp with right foot step forward with right foot35-36Kick out with left foot turn to right ½ turn37-38Stomp left stomp right39-40Spread heels apart and then togetherREPEAT