Dance The Chili Cha Cha
Beginner contra dance
The CLC Kickers, Joe Lozano (USA) & Charlotte Dolins-Lozano (USA)
Chilly Cha Cha - Jessica Jay
CHA-CHA BOX1-2Left to left side, right together3&4Shuffle forward left right left5-6Right to right side, left together7&8Shuffle back right left rightSWITCHES CROSS ROCK TRIPLE STEP1Left point to left side&2Switch right point right side&3Switch left point to left side4Hold5-6Cross rock left, step back right7&8Cha-cha-cha turning ¼ to the left (left, right, left)VINE TURN ¼1-2Right to right side, left behind3&4Side together ¼ turn to right (right, left, right)5Step left6Turn ½ right to the right (you are now on the other side, facing in)7&8Cha-cha-cha left-right-left (use this to adjust your spacing)KICK KICK SAILOR1-2Right kick front, side3&4Sailor step or triple in place right left right5-6Left kick front, side7&8Sailor step or triple in place left right leftELVIS JUMP WIGGLE1-4Walk forward rolling knees outward (Elvis knees) right left right left5-6(Touch hands on 4) push off jump backward hold on 67&8Wiggle hips with Latin motion leaving weight on right foot right left rightREPEAT