Do Your Thing
Barry Amato (USA), Dari Anne Amato (USA), Max Perry (USA) & Kathy Hunyadi (USA)
Do Your Thing - Basement Jaxx
STEP, STEP, SHUFFLE STEP, STEP, STEP, SHUFFLE STEP WITH JAZZ HANDS1-2Step forward right, left3&4Right shuffle forward right, left, right5-6Step forward left, right7&8Left shuffle forward left, right, left Arm styling: arms are moving with steps - both arms at chest level for counts 1-8, left arm across chest palm facing in, right arm out to right, palm facing forward (1), right arm across chest, palm facing in, left arm out to left, palm facing forward (2), left arm across chest palm facing in, right arm out to right, palm facing out (at this point keep arms in this position and keep with rhythm of feet 3&4); repeat the arm movements for counts 5-8 starting with right arm across chest, left arm out, etcSTEP OUT, OUT, BACK, SIDE WITH JAZZ HIPS (HIP ROLLS) & JAZZ HANDS1Step right diagonally forward with ball of foot, roll right hip to right as you lower right heel2Step left diagonally forward with ball of foot, roll left hip to left as you lower left heel Your feet should now be at least a shoulder width apart - weight on left foot I know it looks as though there are several things going on at once without a number count to go with, but these things will happen at the same time - you will step to the side and slightly forward and roll your foot from the ball to flat while pushing your hip over the same foot3Step right back with a ball/flat action while pushing right hip back4Step left back and to the side with a ball/flat action while pushing left hip back Arm styling: again arms are moving with the feet - both arms over head and angled to right, palms facing forward, fingers apart (1), both arms over head angled to left, palms forward, fingers apart (2), both arms down angled toward right palms facing back, fingers apart (3), both arms down angled toward left, palms facing back, fingers apart (4)CROSS UNWIND ½ TURN LEFT, HEEL BOUNCE, BOUNCE, STEP5-6Cross right over left and unwind, turning ½ left ending with weight on the right foot (now facing 6:00)7&8Place left to left side, toes turned out and bounce left heel twice, placing full weight on left on count 8 Arm styling: both arms at waist level, palms facing down, pushing them down as if you are "dribbling" a basketball on counts 7&8WALK, WALK, BOUNCE, BOUNCE, STEP, WALK, WALK, BOUNCE, BOUNCE, STEP1-2Step right to right side, step left forward & across right3&4Place right foot to right side and bounce heel twice placing weight on right foot on count 45-6Step left to left side, step right forward & across left7&8Place left to left side and bounce left heel twice, placing weight on left foot on count 8 Arm styling: both arms at waist level, palms facing down, pushing them down as if you are "dribbling" a basketball angled toward right on counts 3&4; repeat arm styling toward left on counts 7&8JAZZ BOX WITH TOUCH TURNING ¼ RIGHT, 2 SYNCOPATED STEP LOCKS FORWARD (JOEY) WITH ¼ TURN LEFT1-2-3-4Cross right over left, step left back turning ¼ right, step right to right side, touch left next to right (now facing 9:00)5&6Step left forward, cross right up behind left, step left forward&7&Step right forward, cross left up behind right, step right forward8Turn ¼ left and step left forward (now facing 6:00)BOUNCE LEFT HEEL 3 TIMES, KICK LEFT FORWARD, ROCK BACK, FULL SPIN RIGHT (360) WHILE DOING A LEFT SHUFFLE1-2-3-4Bounce left heel 3 times, shift weight back to right foot as you kick left forward on count 45-6Rock left back, step right in place7&8Spin full turn right while doing a left shuffle (you may travel forward slightly) still facing 6:00"X" WALKS AND TURNS, HEEL BOUNCES1-2Turn 1/8 right and step forward right, left (toward 1st corner to your right or 8:00)3-4Step right forward & turn ½ left, step left in place (now facing 2:00)5-6Step forward right, left (moving to 2nd corner which is 2:00)7-8Step right forward & turn ¾ left (or 6/8), step left forward (now facing 3rd corner, which is 4:00)1-2Step forward right, left (to the 4:00 corner)3-4Step right forward & turn ½ left, step left in place (now facing 10:00)5-6Step forward right, step left beside right (to the 10:00 corner)7&8Bounce both heels three times (7&8) as you turn 3/8 left to end up facing your original 6:00 wallROCK STEP FORWARD, ½ RIGHT SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP FORWARD, ¾ LEFT SHUFFLE1-2Rock right forward, step left in place3&4Turn ½ right as you do a right shuffle forward right, left right (facing 12:00)5-6Rock left forward, step right in place7&8Turn ¾ left as you do a left shuffle forward left, right, left (now facing 3:00 wall to start over)REPEATBREAK TIME You knew there had to be at least one! After 4 full rotations of the dance there is a 16 count break - you will be facing the front wall, turn ¼ to left pivoting on left foot, feet shoulder width apart, both arms shoulder height and out to side (right arm right, left arm left) hold for 4 counts; pivoting on right foot turn ½ to right with feet apart and arms out as before, hold 4 counts; pivoting on left foot turn ½ to left, arms out, feet apart, hold 4 counts; pivoting on right foot, turn ¼ to right to face front wall, feet apart, arms out, hold 4 counts. You will travel slightly forward. Start dance from beginning. The sequence is 4 walls, break, 4 walls as song fades.