4th Of July
Pepper Siquieros (USA)
4th of July - Shooter Jennings
JAZZ BOX-WEAVE RIGHT, SIDE ROCK1-4Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right side, cross left over right5-6Step right to right side, cross left behind right7-8Rock to right side onto right, recover onto leftBACK ROCK STEP, WALK, WALK, KICK, KICK, STEP BACK, TOUCH BACK1-2Rock back on right foot, recover onto left3-4Walk forward right, left5-6Pump/kick right foot forward twice7-8Step back on right foot, touch left toe straight backSTEP FORWARD, KICK, STEP BACK TOUCH BACK, STEP, STEP, PIVOT ½, STEP1-2Step forward onto left, kick right foot forward3-4Step back on right foot, touch left toe straight back5-6Step forward onto left, step forward onto right7-8Pivot ½ left onto left, step forward onto rightSTEP, LOCK, STEP, SCUFF, STEP, PIVOT ½, STEP, PIVOT ¼1-4Step forward onto left, lock step right behind left, step forward onto left, scuff right foot forward5-6Step forward onto right, pivot ½ left onto left7-8Step forward onto right, pivot ¼ left onto leftREPEAT