Go Gadget Go
Roy Hadisubroto (IRE) & Nataline Laner (NL)
Inspector Gadget - Five
ROCK, TOGETHER 2X (WITH ARM MOVEMENTS) CROSS, HOLD, SCISSOR STEP1Rock left to left side&Recover back on right2Step left next to right3Rock right to right side&Recover back on left4Step right next to left Arm movements:1-4Elbows to the side, forearms are up and make a forward roll movement &Left step just behind right5Right cross in front of left6Hold and click with right fingers7Step left to left side&Step right next to left8Cross left in front of rightSTEP, CROSS, UNWIND, BODY ROLL, UPPER BODY MOVEMENTS, ROCK, RECOVER&Step right to right side1Cross left behind2Unwind ¾ turn to the left, both feet next to each other3-4Body roll backwards Optional:2-4You can also unwind for 2 counts instead doing the body rolls 5Step to right side with upper body pushed to the right6Push upper body to the left&Step right forward7Step left forward both feet are still apart&Step right backwards8Step left backwards both feet are still apartUPPER BODY MOVEMENTS, SLIDE, TAP (2X) WALKING FORWARD In slow motion1Push upper body to the left2Push upper body to the right&Change weight to left3Step right backward4Drag left next to right5Tap right forward&Step right next to left6Tap left forward&Step left next to right7Raise right forward8Step right forwardWALKING FORWARD (IN SLOW MOTION), DIXIE KICK, OUT, IN, OUT, IN, TOUCH1Raise left forward2Step left forward3Kick right heel forward4Hold&Step right to right side5Step left to left side&Step right next to left6Step left next to right&Step right to right side7Step left to left side&Step right next to left8Touch left next to rightREPEAT