Grandpa's Piano
Mark Simpkin (AUS) & Robin Imms (AUS)
Grandpa's Piano - Adam Brand
1-2Step left across behind right, rock forward on the right3&4Shuffle to left side (left-right-left) facing body 45 degrees left5&6Step right across left, step left to left side, step right across left (finishing to face front)7-8Kick left across right leg facing 45 degrees right, step left beside right to face front 1-2Kick right across left leg to face 45 degrees left, step right beside left to face front3-4Kick left across right leg to face 45 degrees right, step left beside right to face front5-6Kick right across left leg to face 45 degrees right, stomp right forward across left7&8Hold, step onto ball of left foot, step right across in front of left 1&2&Step left to left side, step right beside left, step left to left side, step right beside left3-4Step left forward into ¼ turn left, pivot on the left ½ turn left dragging right foot around5-8Step right heel forward, snap toes down, step left heel forward, snap toes down &1-2Step back on ball of right, replace weight forward to left, scuff right foot forward3-4Scoot forward on left hitching right knee, step forward on right5&6Step left forward at 45 degrees left, lock right behind left, step left forward at 45 degrees left (lock shuffle)7&8Step right forward at 45 degrees right, lock left behind right, step right forward at 45 degrees right (lock shuffle) 1-2Step left behind right, sweep right in a semi circle to right3-4Step right behind left, sweep left in a semi circle to left5-8Step left behind right, kick right foot to right side, touch right toe behind left foot, step right to right sideREPEAT