Grab Ass
Dance - Twister Alley
1-2Right hand, palm down, out to side at shoulder level, twice3-4Left hand, palm down, out to side at shoulder level, twice5-8Forward right foot ½ turn left, in place left, forward right foot ½ turn left, in place left 9-10Right thumb hitch over right shoulder left, twice11-12Left thumb hitch over left shoulder, twice13-14Two fists as in a rope pull, 2 pulls towards body15-16Two fists as in a rope pull, 2 pulls towards body 17Right inside wrist touch left hip across body18Left inside wrist touch right hip across body19Right inside wrist touch left20Left inside wrist touch right knee Deep crouch position with straight back21Right touch floor in front between knees22Left touch floor behind23Right touch floor in front between knees24Stand up and clap On above you can do a 3 beat twist & clap instead Slight bend over on following 8 beats25-28Right at hip fast roll of both hands (2 beats) at hip level, stand up and roll 2 beats shoulder height29-32Left at hip fast roll of both hands (2 beats) at hip level, stand up and roll 2 beats shoulder height33Slap right hip with right palm34Slap left hip with left palm35Grab right buttock with right hand36Grab left buttock with left hand Keep hands in place on buttocks for jump steps37Jump forward38Jump back39Jump forward turn ¼ left40ClapREPEAT