I Don't Care
Brenda Rowsell (CAN)
I Don't Care If You Love Me Anymore - The Mavericks
LOCK STEP, SCUFF1-2Step right forward, slide the left forward behind the right3-4Step forward on the right, scuff the left forward5-6Step forward on the left, slide the right forward behind the left7-8Step forward on the left, scuff the right forwardSTEP, HOLD, 2 TURN, HOLD, STEP, HOLD, ¼ TURN, HOLD1-2Step forward on the right, hold for one count3-4Pivot 2 turn to the left, hold for one count5-6Step forward on the right, hold for one count7-8¼ turn to the left, hold for one countCROSSOVER TOE, HEEL, KICK1-2Step to the right on the right toe, drop the heel3-4Cross the left over the right stepping on the left toe, drop the heel5-6Step to the right on the right toe, drop the heel7-8Kick the left foot forward twiceCROSSOVER TOE, HEEL, KICK1-2Step to the left on the left toe, drop the heel3-4Cross the right over the left stepping on the right toe, drop the heel5-6Step to the left on the left toe, drop the heel7-8Kick the right foot forward twiceSTEP BACK, ¼ TURN, TOE TOUCHES, STEP1-2Step back on the right foot, touch the left toe beside the right foot3-4Step left ¼ turn to the left, touch right toe beside the left foot5-6Step to the right on the right foot, touch left toe beside the right foot7-8Step to the left on the left foot, step the right foot beside the left footSWIVETS, HEEL, TOE TOUCHES, ¼ TURN1-2Weight on the left toe and the right heel: twist feet to the right side, return feet to the center3-4Weight on the right toe and the left heel: twist feet to the left side return feet to the center5-6Touch the right heel forward, step right foot beside the left foot7-8Touch the left toe behind, step left foot ¼ turn to the leftHEEL, TOUCH, TOE, ¼ TURN1-2Touch the right heel forward, step right foot beside the left foot3-4Touch the left toe behind, step left foot ¼ turn to the left5-6Touch the right heel forward, step right foot beside the left7-8Touch the left toe behind, step left foot beside the right footREPEAT